[TDA_wg] Symposium of interest to IAU TDA WG

Rob Seaman seaman at lpl.arizona.edu
Wed May 31 08:52:46 EDT 2017

Of interest to members of the IAU Time Domain Working Group:

"15 years INTEGRAL Symposium: Energetic Time Domain Astrophysics"


Dear Colleagues,

We wish to invite you to the: "15 years INTEGRAL Symposium: Energetic
Time Domain Astrophysics" that will take place in the week of 15-20
October 2017 in Venice, Italy.

Dear Colleagues,

We wish to invite you to the:

The goal of this Symposium is to present and discuss the main results
obtained during the last decade in the field of high-energy
astrophysics, with an emphasis on Time Domain Astrophysics.

The Symposium will be held in honour of Neil Gehrels, INTEGRAL Mission

With deep sorrow we inform you that the “after dinner speech”  Prof. G.
F. Bignami had kindly agreed to give to memorialize Neil has been

During the Symposium a young scientist (younger than thirty-five years
old as of July 31, 2017) will be awarded the “Mikhail Revnivtsev Prize”,
a distinction established in honour of the renowned high-energy

The focus of this meeting will be the highly energetic astrophysical
phenomena observed by INTEGRAL, particularly with respect to discussing
the advanced modelling and observational constraints that occur at all
wavelengths, and discussing other cosmic messengers. The SOC aims to
provide a broad perspective on INTEGRAL's findings, and place these
results in the context of other space-based missions, such as Herschel,
Planck, XMM-Newton, Chandra, NuSTAR, Astrosat, MAXI, Swift, Fermi, AGILE
etc., as well as ground-based observatories such as Ligo/Virgo, IceCube,
LOFAR, HESS, Veritas, MAGIC, CTA, etc.

There will be dedicated presentations on correlated multi-wavelength
studies, as well as recent observations of High-energy neutrinos, Fast
Radio Bursts and Gravitational Waves.

The Symposium will provide a comprehensive summary on recent
developments in the following scientific topics:

  * X-ray binaries: black holes, neutron stars, and white dwarfs
  * Isolated neutron stars: gamma-ray pulsars, magnetars
  * Nucleosynthesis: SNe, Novae, SNRs, ISM and γ-ray lines, including
    511 keV
  * Massive black holes in AGNs: blazars, and the nucleus of the Milky Way
  * Sky surveys, source populations and new class of unidentified sources
  * Gamma-Ray Bursts
  * New Astronomies counterpart

Five main sessions will focus on:

 1. New Astronomies and strategies: GW, HEH, FRB, GRB
 2. Outbursting sources: BHC, NS, AGN...
 3. Accretion and Ejection
 4. Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy
 5. Surveys and population studies

In addition to hosting invited speakers (see the Symposium website) to
review each of the topics above, we will offer enough time to
contributed talks and posters related to space observatories, and
multi-wavelength or multi-messenger observations and programs.

Details regarding the location, registration procedure, information
about hotels, etc. will be provided soon on the following webpage:


Key dates:

2017 May 15               - Open registration + abstract submission
2017 September 1       - Abstract deadline & early registration
2017 October 15-20     - Symposium (Sunday evening until Friday afternoon)
2017 October 31          - Proceedings submission deadline

We kindly invite you to mark the Venice INTEGRAL 2017 Symposium in your
agenda for October 15th-20th, and advise that you make
hotel reservations at your earliest convenience.

Looking forward to seeing you in Venice.

Best Regards,

Pietro Ubertini and Peter von Ballmoos (Co-Chair)


Pietro Ubertini (Co-Chair)    INAF-IAPS, Rome (I)
Peter von Ballmoos (Co-Chair)    CESR, Toulouse (F)
Angela Bazzano            INAF-IAPS, Rome (I)
Volker Beckmann            CNRS / IN2P3, Paris
Soren Brandt            DTU Space, Copenhagen(DK)
Roland Diehl            MPE, Garching (D)
Carlo Ferrigno            ISDC, Versoix (CH)
Diego Gotz            AIM-CEA/DRF/Irfu, Saclay (F)
Sergei Grebenev            IKI, Moscow (RF)
Wim Hermsen            SRON, Utrecht (NL)
Dieter Hartmann            Clemson Univ. (USA)
Peter Kretschmar        ESA ESAC, Madrid (E)
Erik Kuulkers            ESA ESTEC, Noordwijk (NL)
Philippe Laurent        APC/Unive. of Paris, Paris (F)
Alexander Lutovinov        IKI, Moscow (RF)
Angela Malizia            INAF/IASF, B ologna (I)
Miguel Mas-Hesse        INTA, Madrid (E)
Francesca Panessa        INAF-IAPS, Roma (I)
Jean-Pierre Roques        IRAP, Toulouse (F)
Norbert Schartel        ESA ESAC, Madrid (E)
Rashid Sunyaev            IKI Moscow (RF), MPA Garching (D)
Diego F. Torres            ICREA/IEEC-CSIC, Barcelona (ES)
Ed van den Heuvel        University of Amsterdam (NL)

Silvia Zampieri


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