[TDA_wg] Fwd: Gaia Science Alerts Workshop 2018

Rob Seaman seaman at lpl.arizona.edu
Fri May 11 16:36:29 EDT 2018

A meeting announcement of interest to the IAU Time Domain WG:

Dear Colleagues,

It is a pleasure to announce that the *9th OPTICON Gaia Science Alerts
workshop will be held in **Vipava in Slovenia, 8 - 10 October 2018**. *

The main goals of this year's workshop are:

  * update on the Gaia mission
  * update on the improvements in the Gaia Alerts
  * Gaia Alerts highlights
  * machine-learning classification of transients
  * Gaia Alerts and DR2
  * new photometric calibration server
  * organization of the follow-up

The main workshop webpage:


Registration is open until 1.Sept.2018. Link to the registration:


/Workshop context and rationale:/

Gaia is now a well established and leading transient mission. It
discovers nearly 2000 objects a year from all over the sky, down to
about 20 mag, covering all possible classes of transients, from
supernovae and CVs to rare phenomena like microlensing and tidal
disruption events.

The discovery machine within Gaia is still evolving and year 2018 brings
many significant improvements and changes in the Gaia Alerts system and
its operation.

With the second Gaia data release (GDR2), the Gaia-computed distances to
a billion of stars will change the landscape of transient science. In
particular, the progenitors of Galactic transients will now have their
distances measured, hence absolute magnitudes can be computed, aiding
the classification and enabling discoveries of rare and unique classes
of transients, e.g., AM CVn.

Machine learning-supported classification of transients based on Gaia
data, in particular, its low-resolution BPRP spectra available for every
observation, will boost the success rate in recognising common types of
transients as well as the most unusual ones.

The follow-up observations from the ground will be able to automatise
their photometric data processing with a new and improved Calibration
Server. This will also allow more amateur observers to take part in the
observations of Gaia alerts.

The 2018 Gaia Alerts Workshop, the 9th in the series, will again be an
opportunity to learn about Gaia and Gaia Alerts, to meet people behind
the pipelines and web pages, to find out about most recent scientific
highlights from Gaia Alerts and to discuss the scientific potential of
this programme. 

The workshop will be hosted by the University of Nova Gorica, in a
Slovenian village of Vipava located between Trieste and Ljubljana, in
the beautifully restored Lantheri Mansion.

We would like to invite all scientists, observers and others interested
in using or contributing to the Gaia Science Alerts programme. 

Thanks to the OPTICON grant, there will be a limited support available
for some attendees. More details and the registration form is available
on the workshop webpage.

Best regards,

Lukasz Wyrzykowski and Andreja Gomboc

on behalf of the Workshop Organising Committee.

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