[Thali-talk] Yaron's Weekly Update - 9/15/2014

Yaron Goland yarong at microsoft.com
Mon Sep 15 13:53:41 EDT 2014

Last Week:

  *   TL;DR - Got our entire backlog into our new issue tracker<https://www.pivotaltracker.com/n/projects/1163162> (see here<http://www.goland.org/pickingabacklogforthali/> for how we choose it). Did a bunch of work on the slide deck for the Shewchuk review. Cleaned exec naming and structure so the demo won't be so ugly.
  *   Monday - Bunch of work on the slide deck and then trying to pick a backlog manager. I initially picked Flying Donut and started to move Thali's back log over.
  *   Tuesday - Realized that Flying Donut wasn't working for me and switched to Pivotal Tracker. Spent the entire day entering all 150 or so backlog items, putting together estimates, creating our 20 epics, organizing things, etc. Amongst other things this let me create time estimates for the major milestones in the project.
  *   Wednesday - More work on the slide deck. Publish the article<http://www.goland.org/pickingabacklogforthali/> on how I choose our backlog manager. Started working on the Thali file sharing app.
  *   Thursday - More work on the file sharing app. Actually went to work to meet with Shewchuk and with Tim. Concluded with Tim that we didn't need the file sharing app. More work on the slide deck. Did a bunch of (depressing) research on potential conferences to attend. And worked on the Bluetooth mail from Michael Rogers.
  *   Friday - Did research on AllJoyn and updated the mesh article based on what I learned (this came out of a conversation with Shewchuk). Then spent most of the day (yes, it took a day, depressing) to deal with the ugly naming issues in our apks/distZips and flattening the structure of the distZips.

This Week:

  *   Investigate our awful perf
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