[Thali-talk] Interesting article on issues, quirks, etc. with Wi-Fi Direct on Android

Nathan of Guardian nathan at guardianproject.info
Mon Apr 6 09:50:28 EDT 2015

On Fri, Apr 3, 2015, at 08:38 PM, Yaron Goland wrote:
> [Note: Look up, this is the public group!]
> Jukka, I saw this article on Wi-Fi Direct -
> http://p2feed.com/wifi-direct.html
> It's probably too late now but it has a bunch of stuff you found the hard
> way. :)

After spending a few years working on the Commotion Android project
(which used OLSRD, MANET, etc) we also found out the hard way... though
Hans from my team had a hand in the pull request to Android to support
adhoc, so who knows...

Otherwise, great article! I am most interested in using the Service
Discovery API as a bearer of small beacon/broadcast data - essentially
one-to-many lossy push status messages. This is what I did in the
Gilgamesh prototype app, and it seemed to mostly work (albeit the bar is
pretty low in that type of application).


  Nathan of Guardian
  nathan at guardianproject.info

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