[Thali-talk] Thali daily status - 7/24/2015

Yaron Goland yarong at microsoft.com
Fri Jul 24 14:24:06 EDT 2015

Matt - Our bug disappeared so Matt is back to writing tests of the native layer, working with Toby to get him up to speed on story 0 and figuring out how to get test results from phones in a way that won't make us rip our own eyes out.

Srikanth - He had to make changes based on feedback I made to his PR but he is very close to being done with 0.0. This means that once story 0 goes out we should be able to very quickly release story 0.0.

Oguz - The test app has been submitted to Apple! He also had to do a quick release of JXCore to deal with the bug we found that was causing us to crash. Mostly Oguz and friends are packing it up for a well-earned vacation.

Yaron - Yesterday I had an astonishing number of phone calls. A bunch of email. Actually got story -1 for iOS to run on my iPhones! Reviewed Srikanth's PR. Tried to find us a better code review tool. Today I am reviewing more PRs and working through an endless todo list. :(

Sreejumon - Yesterday he integrated Matt's code and finished with the Maven work and the install script. Today I tasked him with getting us published in NPM and using that to drive the rest of our installation. This will probably delay story zero by a day or two on Android but it's worth it to get a much better and cleaner install experience that will let us easily handle issues like needing specific versions of JXCore or needing to synch to story based sub-branches in our Github repo.

David - He is now working on cleaning up our postcardapp so it's not so ugly!

Toby - He is groking Brian's code and working with Matt to understand the story 0 deliverables.
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