[Thali-talk] Bugs, issues, testing, etc.

Yaron Goland yarong at microsoft.com
Fri Mar 20 21:46:22 EDT 2015

I just dumped out current issues/priorities/etc. into GitHub. You can see it all ordered using https://waffle.io/thaliproject/thali

But the issues that I'd like to get immediate feedback on are https://github.com/thaliproject/thali/issues/105 and https://github.com/thaliproject/thali/issues/107

For 105 I'm thinking Mocha and Chai because I'm used to them. But I recognize that isn't the best recommendation.

For 107 is there really any other viable choice but Jenkins? I just don't see anyway around setting up our own test box since we need to test with phones that are physically co-resident with each other so we can test bluetooth, ble and wi-fi. I suppose we could split our tests since most don't need to use physically co-resident devices. But I hate the idea of having to support both Jenkins and something like Travis. To be fair though, Travis is open source - https://github.com/travis-ci/travis-ci so I suppose we could use it locally too. I'm just used to thinking of Jenkins when I need something running locally. Should we split and have part of the tests hosted and part running locally? That isn't necessarily as painful as it sounds. The iOS and Android libraries will be stand alone and can use our local test infrastructure. The testing done at the node.js layer will just be smoke tests and can be run on the local infrastructure while we run all the other tests in a hosted infrastructure.

Any thoughts on this one?


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