[Thali-talk] Yaron's Weekly Update - 3/30/2015

Yaron Goland yarong at microsoft.com
Mon Mar 30 19:10:03 EDT 2015

One Week Ago:

  *   TL;DR - Bunch of work on PouchDB attachment related issues. Figured out that SQLDown is really slow and buggy so we can't use it, we need LevelDB on mobile.
  *   Monday - Tons of little things but the big work item was tracking down a bug where PouchDB seems to repeat attachments even when the associated document has changed but the attachment has not. This led me to discover that PouchDB only supports replicating using inline attachments so all attachments are bloated 33% due to base 64 encoding.
  *   Tuesday - Spent a big chunk of the day reviewing an internal doc I can't discuss. Did a full review on the CouchDB replication spec so I have a better understanding of how replication is supposed to work.
  *   Wednesday - Today I was supposed to get SQLite working with PouchDB on JXCore. The good news is that thanks to JXCore's integration of SQLite and SQLite3 (the node wrapper for SQLite) this literally 'just works'. The bad news is that I'm having trouble getting any of the PouchDB perf tests running to see how well it works. The first issue is that JXCore's apis aren't returning the right paths. I filed bugs and have an easy work around.
  *   Thursday - As part of reviewing the CouchDB spec on Tuesday I had submitted a PR with a mountain of grammar fixes for the spec. But it turns out that I hadn't run the linter and so the PR was rejected. So I set up the linter locally and fixed everything. I then continued testing with SQLite and determined that the perf tests weren't running because of a bug in SQLDown (the wrapper over SQLite that LevelUP talks to). That bug was easy to work around and so now I have perf tests and they are beyond awful. Seriously, off the scale bad. So bad that I don't think we can use SQLite even for demos. We will have to get LevelDB working on Android/iOS sooner than I had expected.
  *   Friday - Spent the day exploring what's going on with PouchDB and attachments. I finally realized that I was trying to boil the ocean. I don't need to fix all the attachment issues right now. I just need to figure out how to fix the issue where attachments are sent even when they haven't changed. The rest we can fix if end to end perf tests show they are a problem.

Next Week:

  *   Figure out how to get PouchDB not to repeat attachments on docs whose attachments haven't changed.
  *   More internal doc review.
  *   Take some work items off Matt's plate.
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