[Thali-talk] CHIP

Yaron Goland yarong at microsoft.com
Mon May 11 12:56:57 EDT 2015


I clearly don't do that Internet thing often enough because I hadn't seen this previously. Nathan of Guardian land points out that something like this could be used as an adjunct device. In other words imagine taking the $9 CHIP + a battery (call that $10) and putting them into a box (call that $5) and suddenly you have something that could just run local radio all day long. It could act as the primary radio interface running the Thali protocols. The phone (or laptop or tablet or whatever) would then talk to the CHIP but only as a front end. So the CHIP doesn't need a screen or even a keyboard. Just something to do initial pairing.

Personally my suspicion is that if local P2P really takes off then cell phone manufacturers will just start including bigger batteries in their phones. So I see something like CHIP as a potential bridging device that lets people with existing phones with crappy batteries play in local P2P.

But if CHIP matters (and something like it will) then I would guess its real relevance is for IoT. The more brains we can pack into a cheap network connecting endpoint the more interesting things become.

Just a thought,

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