[✔️] May 29, 2023- Global Warming News Digest | Stefan Rahmstorf, tsunamis from the Antarctica, Submarine landslides, DeSantis confusion, Doomers, James Hansen, Pipeline, no moee lab grown meat, Obama and coal.

Richard Pauli Richard at CredoandScreed.com
Mon May 29 12:03:22 EDT 2023

/*May*//*29, 2023*/

/[ top climate scientist reminds us of science insights since 1843 ]/
*Prof. Stefan Rahmstorf: Ocean Circulation, Tipping Points, and the 
Public Climate Debate*
Earth System Analysis - Potsdam Institute
1,225 views  May 4, 2023
EPA Climate Change Lecture, Dublin Mansion House, April 19th 2023

/[ Did Charlton Heston leave any words on this? ]/
*Climate change could trigger gigantic deadly tsunamis from Antarctica, 
new study warns*
By Ben Turner published about 10 hours ago
Slippages in sediment beneath the Antarctic seabed could spawn gigantic 
tsunamis as oceans warm.
Climate change could unleash gigantic tsunamis in the Southern Ocean by 
triggering underwater landslides in Antarctica, a new study warns.

By drilling into sediment cores hundreds of feet beneath the seafloor in 
Antarctica, scientists discovered that during previous periods of global 
warming — 3 million and 15 million years ago — loose sediment layers 
formed and slipped to send massive tsunami waves racing to the shores of 
South America, New Zealand and Southeast Asia.

And as climate change heats the oceans, the researchers think there's a 
possibility these tsunamis could be unleashed once more. Their findings 
were published May 18 in the journal Nature Communications...

- -

/[ We refer to study in Nature Communications ]/
*Climate-controlled submarine landslides on the Antarctic continental 
Jenny A. Gales, Robert M. McKay, Laura De Santis, Michele Rebesco, Jan 
Sverre Laberg, Amelia E Shevenell, David Harwood, R. Mark Leckie, Denise 
K. Kulhanek, Maxine King, Molly Patterson, Renata G. Lucchi, Sookwan 
Kim, Sunghan Kim, Justin Dodd, Julia Seidenstein, Catherine Prunella, 
Giulia M. Ferrante & IODP Expedition 374 Scientists
Nature Communications volume 14, Article number: 2714 (2023) Cite this 
Published: 18 May 2023
3063 Accesses
427 Altmetric

    Antarctica’s continental margins pose an unknown submarine
    landslide-generated tsunami risk to Southern Hemisphere populations
    and infrastructure. Understanding the factors driving slope failure
    is essential to assessing future geohazards. Here, we present a
    multidisciplinary study of a major submarine landslide complex along
    the eastern Ross Sea continental slope (Antarctica) that identifies
    preconditioning factors and failure mechanisms. Weak layers,
    identified beneath three submarine landslides, consist of distinct
    packages of interbedded Miocene- to Pliocene-age diatom oozes and
    glaciomarine diamicts. The observed lithological differences, which
    arise from glacial to interglacial variations in biological
    productivity, ice proximity, and ocean circulation, caused changes
    in sediment deposition that inherently preconditioned slope failure.
    These recurrent Antarctic submarine landslides were likely triggered
    by seismicity associated with glacioisostatic readjustment, leading
    to failure within the preconditioned weak layers. Ongoing climate
    warming and ice retreat may increase regional glacioisostatic
    seismicity, triggering Antarctic submarine landslides.


/[ IN Santis-ty ]/
*DeSantis accused of ‘catastrophic’ climate approach after campaign launch*
Republican ‘trying to out-Trump Trump’ on climate, expert says, as 
governor says he rejects the ‘politicization of the weather’
Oliver Milman  @olliemilman
Sun 28 May 2023
Ron DeSantis has been accused of a “catastrophic” approach to the 
climate crisis after he launched his campaign for US president by saying 
he rejects the “politicization of the weather” and questioning whether 
hurricanes hitting his home state of Florida have been worsened by 
climate change.

DeSantis, ... has previously dismissed concerns about global heating as 
“leftwing stuff” and he expanded upon this theme during a Fox News 
interview following his campaign launch...
- -
Michael Mann, a climate scientist at the University of Pennsylvania, 
said that DeSantis’s stance towards climate science is “classic projection”.

“It is Ron DeSantis who is engaged in the ‘politicization of the 
weather’ by denying basic, established science – the intensification of 
tropical storms with human-caused warming of the oceans.”...
- -
...Bob Inglis, a former Republican congressman who now advocates for a 
conservative response to the climate crisis....

“He’s done some things in Florida designed to address the problem of 
climate change, he could’ve been the post-Trump successful governor, the 
solver of problems,” said Inglis.

“But instead he’s choosing to be more of the anti-woke warrior than 
Trump. He’s slugging it out in the Trump lane which is really a terrible 
mistake. I’m hearing from Republicans in Florida ‘why is he choosing 
this path?’

“He could’ve said, ‘Hey, we are dealing with this climate issue in 
Florida, let’s lead the world on this.’ Instead he’s trying to out-Trump 

Inglis said that while some senior Republicans fret they will lose out 
on a younger generation of climate-concerned voters, they still risk 
being beaten in primary races by candidates that back Trump’s ongoing 
embrace of climate denialism.

“People like (House of Representatives speaker) Kevin McCarthy know that 
young conservatives want action on climate change and even if Trump wins 
he will be a lame duck by 2026 and the party could start moving on by 
then,” said Inglis.

“The trouble is, the scientists say we don’t have the time to wait for 
that. That really is the problem.”

/[ journalist examines the notion of doom "things are bad, we have to 
feel the tension" ]/
*Are climate doomers right?*
DW Planet A
May 26, 2023  #Doomer #planeta
A growing number of people believe that humanity is doomed because of 
climate change, while some are even full-blown preparing for a world 
post-collapse. Like Ben Green, who calls himself a “happy doomer”. Join 
me as I visit the old army barracks he calls home, to figure out if he’s 
right to be preparing for such an eventuality.
Author: Aditi Rajagopal
Camera: Henning Goll
Video Editors: Henning Goll, Aditi Rajagopal
Supervising Editor: Michael Trorbridge

We're destroying our environment at an alarming rate. But it doesn't 
need to be this way. Our new channel Planet A explores the shift towards 
an eco-friendly world — and challenges our ideas about what dealing with 
climate change means. We look at the big and the small: What we can do 
and how the system needs to change. Every Friday we'll take a truly 
global look at how to get us out of this mess.

#planeta #Doomer #Climatepsychology

With thanks for interviews (included and not)

Dr Inger Andersen: https://www.unep.org/people/inger-andersen
Dr Susan Clayton: https://wooster.edu/bio/sclayton/
Marcy Franck: https://hsph.me/ClimateOptimist
Dr Joëlle Gergis: https://www.joellegergis.com/
Ben Green: https://twitter.com/ThePirateBen
Zeke Hausfather: https://twitter.com/hausfath
Caroline Hickman: http://caroline-hickman.com/index.html
Ben Knight: http://benknight.de/
Dr Friederike Otto: https://twitter.com/FrediOtto
Laura Schmidt: https://www.goodgriefnetwork.org/

/[ classic discussion - scientist James Hansen --  calm and thoughtful 
conversation https://youtu.be/TY_-RXVddsc ]/
*James Hansen - Restoring the Earth's Energy Balance*
The Green Interview - Re-invent the world
4.1K views  10 months ago  #ClimateChange #Energy #TheGreenInterview
James Hansen, the world-renowned former director of NASA’s Goddard 
Institute for Space Studies, who put global warming on the world’s 
agenda through his research in climatology, his development of climate 
models, his blunt, ground-breaking testimony before the US Senate in 
1988 and his book Storms of My Grandchildren.

/[ Re-examine the science  ]/
*Introductory Background to James Hansen’s Brilliant New Paper: “Global 
Warming in the Pipeline”*
Paul Beckwith
May 25, 2023
As can be seen on the splash screen image for this video, global average 
temperature has trended upward at a very fast rate of 0.18 C per decade. 
Unfortunately for humanity, this trend has greatly increased since 2010 
to 0.27 C per decade.

The root cause is the accelerating increase in concentrations of 
atmospheric GHG from fossil fuel emissions, and the reduction of 
aerosols contains sulphur by China and the global shipping industry in 
the last decade or two (and in North America and Europe before then).

A key metric for climate is the Earth Energy Imbalance (EEI). It is 
basically energy into the Earth system minus energy out. When it is 
above zero, our planet warms. In 2010, the 6 year average was about 0.6 
W per m**2, and now it is 1.22 W per m**2. It is accelerating upward 
even faster than Elon Musk’s rockets.

Equilibrium Climate Sensitivity (ECS) is the warming that is expected to 
occur with a doubling of CO2, considering fast (and ultrafast) feedbacks 
only. Hansen’s new number is 4 C, as opposed to the mainstream popular 
number of 3 C.

Even worse, Hansen’s new paper shows that with present levels of GHGs, 
in equilibrium our temperature would warm a whopping 10 C (reduced to 
about 8 C if aerosols stayed at today’s levels). Not only that, but 
global sea levels would rise 60 meters from complete loss of ice on 
Greenland and Antarctica.

This video is really a primer (basic introduction) on Hansen’s new 
paper, updated just a week ago (May 19th, 2023). In subsequent videos, I 
will be going over the nitty gritty details of this landmark, 62 page 
scientific paper.

/[  Thinking twice about craving meat  - text and audio ] /
*New Study Is Extremely Embarrassing for Lab-Grown Meat*
"It’s not a panacea."
Researchers at UC Davis have made a startling discovery that could 
change the way we view lab-grown meat.

As detailed in a yet-to-be-peer-reviewed paper, they found that the meat 
alternative's environmental impact appears to be "orders of magnitude" 
higher than retail beef you can buy at the grocery store — itself 
already a very environmentally damaging foodstuff — at least based on 
current production methods...
- -
Researchers at UC Davis have made a startling discovery that could 
change the way we view lab-grown meat.

As detailed in a yet-to-be-peer-reviewed paper, they found that the meat 
alternative's environmental impact appears to be "orders of magnitude" 
higher than retail beef you can buy at the grocery store — itself 
already a very environmentally damaging foodstuff — at least based on 
current production methods.

/[The news archive - looking back attempts to reduce coal ]/
/*May 29, 2014*/
May 29, 2014:
The New York Times reports:

    "President Obama will use his executive authority to cut carbon
    emissions from the nation’s coal-fired power plants by up to 20
    percent, according to people familiar with his plans, and will force
    industry to pay for the pollution it creates through cap-and-trade
    programs across the country.

    "Mr. Obama will unveil his plans in a new regulation, written by the
    Environmental Protection Agency, at the White House on Monday. It
    would be the strongest action ever taken by an American president to
    tackle climate change and could become one of the defining elements
    of Mr. Obama’s legacy.

    "Cutting carbon emissions by 20 percent — a substantial amount —
    would be the most important step in the administration’s pledged
    goal to reduce pollution over the next six years and could
    eventually shut down hundreds of coal-fired power plants across the
    country. The regulation would have far more impact on the
    environment than the Keystone pipeline, which many administration
    officials consider a political sideshow, and is certain to be met
    with opposition from Republicans who say that Mr. Obama will be
    using his executive authority as a back door to force through an
    inflammatory cap-and-trade policy he could not get through Congress.

    "People familiar with the rule say that it will set a national limit
    on carbon pollution from coal plants, but that it will allow each
    state to come up with its own plan to cut emissions based on a menu
    of options that include adding wind and solar power,
    energy-efficiency technology and creating or joining state
    cap-and-trade programs. Cap-and-trade programs are effectively
    carbon taxes that place a limit on carbon pollution and create
    markets for buying and selling government-issued pollution permits.

    "Coal plants are the nation’s largest source of the greenhouse gases
    that scientists say are the chief cause of global warming."


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