{news} a message from Eliz.Horton Sheff, including an offer to have a meeting at the Hartford office where Greens can learn more about her concerns.

edubrule edubrule at sbcglobal.net
Wed Oct 13 23:08:05 EDT 2004

This evening Elizabeth Horton Sheff asked me to post the e-mail below, written to me, on the News listserve.  This e-mail relates to the 10/12/04 post on the News listserve (Elizabeth Horton Sheff's letter of resignation from the Connecticut Green Party given to Executive Committee members).
--Ed DuBrule
CT Green Party secretary

----- Original Message ----- 
From: Elizabe813 at aol.com 
To: edubrule at sbcglobal.net 
Cc:  [another e-mail address used by Elizabeth Horton Sheff] 
Sent: Tuesday, October 12, 2004 7:14 AM
Subject: Re: Elizabeth, use of your letter to us

Ed - publishing my letter on the news listserver defeats any effort to keep my resignation low key. Now, the reality is that "low key" is, in my opinion, best for the Green Party. I know that my decision is sound, more than just justifiable. I have no qualms in defending the same. The bottom line is that I leave this decision up to the Executive Committee, but I suggest that the EC revisit the possible ramifications of taking such measure.

With regard to expanding upon my concerns, again, I believe that there are many concerns (for the Green Party) to be weighed. Here's a suggestion -- a special called meeting at the Hartford office inviting those who are interested in learning more.

Please know that my resignation from the party is not meant to be a withdrawal from working with folks on issues. Our paths will continue to cross.


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