{news} Advocate article: "Ferrucci's Fade"

Adams1peace at aol.com Adams1peace at aol.com
Thu Sep 2 08:34:06 EDT 2004

The following short news item filed by Christopher Arnott appears in the 
September 2 issue of the New Haven Advocate:


When Ralph Ferrucci ran in the last New Haven mayoral race, winning 17 
percent of the vote, it was on the Guilty Party ticket.  Then he set his sights on 
challenging Rosa DeLauro for Congress, and turned to the Green Party.

But he still felt guilty.  Bothered "since April" that the majority of local 
Green Party members were not even informed of the convention process through 
which he was selected, Ferrucci has decided to reject the nomination.

"Most Green voters were not given a chance," Ferrucci says.  "The convention 
was not listed on the Web site.  My own brother was not told.

"It was the way I got it that bothers me.  Call it honor."

Ferrucci fans can still vote for him as a write-in candidate.
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