{news} Fw: Israeli peace activist Jeff Halper Today (Saturday) in Hartford

Justine McCabe justinemccabe at earthlink.net
Sat Mar 5 14:29:15 EST 2005

Dear All,

Please join us for the CT Greens-sponsored event.

Justine McCabe

 Dr. Jeff Halper, the coordinating director of the Israeli Committee Against
 House Demolitions (ICAHD), will be the featured speaker Saturday, March 5,
 at 7 p.m. at the Charter Oak Cultural Center, 21 Charter Oak Avenue,
 Hartford, CT 06106. Driving Directions below.

 The program is tltled ``In Search of Peace and Justice in Palestine/Israel:
 Realities on the Ground; Where to Go from Here."

 The event is free and open to the public.

 Halper, an American who has lived in Israel since 1972, has forged
 through ICAHD a new mode of Israeli peace activity based on nonviolent
 direct action and civil disobedience to the Israeli Occupation. ICAHD's
 main direct action began through resistance to the demolition of
 Palestinian homes, including the rebuilding of demolished homes as acts
 of political solidarity.

 Believing that civil society and governmental forces must be mobilized
if a just peace is to emerge in Israel/Palestine, Jeff also directs
ICAHD's extensive program of international advocacy. He is the author
 of Between Redemption and Revival: The Jewish Yishuv in Jerusalem in
 the Nineteenth Century, published in 1991, and his recent popular
 book Obstacles to Peace is to be followed by a forthcoming work from
 Pluto Press, called An Israeli in Palestine: Reframing the
 Israel-Palestine Conflict.
 Halper is a professor of anthropology who has taught at Haifa and Ben
 Gurion universities. Halper moved to Israel from American in 1973. He
 and his wife have three children.

 This event is sponsored by We Refuse to Be Enemies (Jews, Muslims and
 Christians in Coalition for Peace); The Palestine Right To Return
 Coalition (www.al-awda.org), The American Friends Service Committee
 (www.afsc.org), and Council for National Interest (www.cnionline.org),
 Middle East Crisis Committee, Conecticut United for peace and the Green 
Party of CT (www.ctgreens.org)

 For more information Contact Liz Aaronsohn 860-229-0705, Lucy
 Rosenblatt 860-236-9992 or Hassan Fouda 860-536-4640

 Driving Directions:

 From 91 North or 91 South
 Take Exit 29A ("Capitol Area"). Proceed through tunnel under Hartford
 Public Library. Immediately enter traffic circle and exit at about the
 "9 o'clock" position, in order to head south on Hudson Street. Turn
 left at second traffic light (Buckingham Street). Continue east through
 traffic light at Main Street, at which point Buckingham becomes Charter
 Oak Avenue. Charter Oak Cultural Center is the second building on the

 From West of Hartford
 On I-84 East bear right towards the "Capitol Avenue" exit. Take a left
 and continue east on Capitol Avenue until it dead-ends at Main Street.
 Turn right on Main Street, and then left at the first traffic light
 (Charter Oak Avenue). Charter Oak Cultural Center is the second
 building on the right.

 From East of Hartford
 From I-84 West take Exit 48 (Asylum Avenue). Turn left at the light
 onto Asylum Avenue. Proceed east until the road bends to the right and
 becomes Jewell Street. Stay on Jewell Street, always keeping the
 adjacent Bushnell Park on your right, as it winds through the city.
 Enter the traffic circle; exit it at about the "noon" position and
 continue south on Hudson Street. Turn left at second traffic light
 (Buckingham Street). Proceed east through traffic light at Main Street,
 at which point Buckingham becomes Charter Oak Avenue. Charter Oak
 Cultural Center is the second building on the right.


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