{news} Please respond ASAP!

Ehscouts at aol.com Ehscouts at aol.com
Thu Mar 17 23:32:19 EST 2005

Miguel Angel Nieves
55 Brittany Farms Road #314
New Britain CT. 06053

Thursday, March 17, 2005

Dear Friend,

    I want you to be one of the first to know that on Friday, April 29th, I 
will formally announce my candidacy for New Britain city Mayor.

    I have thought long and hard about my decision to run for Mayor.  I know 
New Britain - I've lived here since 1990.
    But now is the time for real change in our City Hall leadership.  The 
City Hall is not doing the job, and we need new leadership to chart the course 
for our city.  

    I have too much love and respect for New Britain to sit idle while the 
Democrats and Republicans in our City Hall ruin our community.  They have 
returned to their old tax and spend ways with a vengeance. 

    As a businessman, I am more convinced than ever before that New Britain 
stands at the crossroads.  We the people must choose in what direction the 
future will take us.  Will we reform our welfare system, or will we continue the 
spiral down to permanent dependency?  Will we deal firmly and justly with 
crime, or will we live in fear for the rest of our lives?  Will we reform our 
education system, or will we destroy it?

    There is much to be done.  We need real reform in our city government and 
we need it from the top down.  With my business experience, I know how to 
fight for what is right.

    I will take the same drive and ambition that has enabled me to overcome 
obstacles in life I will bring it bear on this City Hall race.  I will use my 
business experience to focus the media spotlight on the key issues in this 

    I can and will win in November 8th 2005!  

    Please join me.  Together we can change the leadership in the City Hall.  
Working together we can nominate a candidate who is prepared to meet the 
challenge -- of not only winning -- but also performing the job of Representative 
with distinction.

    Please join me for my announcement to run for Mayor of New Britain.  It 
will be:

    Date:   April 29, 2005
    Time:   8:00pm
    Place:      Puerto Rican Society of New Britain
            152 High Street
            New Britain CT. 06050

I hope to see you on Friday.
                        Very truly yours,

                        Miguel Angel Nieves   

Paid by Nieves for Mayor campaign, Antonio Fret-Campaign Manager, Jean De 
Smet-Web Site Campaign Manager, Annette Alicea-Campaign Treas.
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