{news} Spoiler Role

allan brison apbrison at hotmail.com
Thu Apr 20 20:44:21 EDT 2006

Tim, Cliff, and others,

This is one election where we can be proud of our possible "spoiler" role. 
The fact is that only Dem operatives care two hoots about beating Rell with 
the likes of John DeStefano, New Haven mayor. In other words, unlike the 
national Bush/Gore, neocon versus neolib, where a large number of people 
really care about who won, this is an election were few will have much of an 
emotional investment either way.

There is a good chance that Cliff might get 10% and that that might tip the 
balance to Rell. We should not shrink from this. If, in fact, we can "spoil" 
the race, then we might be able to fulfill our function of making the Dems a 
bit better fearing our spoiling role in the future.


Quoting from the already infamous Advocate article:

Tim McKee, the state's Green Party national committee member and Thornton's 
campaign manager, is blunt about the upcoming election. There is no spoiler 
role for the Greens to play, he says, because "Rell is going to win very 

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