{news} already infamous Advocate article is not bad

Charlie Pillsbury chapillsbury at igc.org
Thu Apr 20 22:38:52 EDT 2006

Quoting from the already infamous Advocate article:

If you get past the "pot" shots and laughs at Green expense, this is a very positive article:
It would be thrilling were the above scenario to play out. Sign me right up: Executive bongs, maverick AGs, workingman bloopers, et al. But the purpose of this year's big statewide Green Party push isn't actually to get these people elected it's to grow the state party into a viable alternative in future elections. It's to ramp up the debate on controversial issues like decriminalizing marijuana (Thornton) and mothballing Millstone (Burton). And for that the party must be cheered; this is the first time it has fielded a full slate of candidates for statewide office. You can grouse over what might be perceived as a preference for quantity over quality, but the heck with that for good or ill, the Green Party isn't a top-down organization, at least not yet. Migosh, it's downright democratic! And this Saturday, the party convenes at the AFL-CIO Labor Hall in New Haven to formally announce its platform and nominate its slate of candidates. (See 7 Days, page 22, for details.) 

See http://newhavenadvocate.com/gbase/Lifestyle/content?oid=oid:152397  (it includes a great picture of Cliff Thornton in front of the State Capitol Building). 

Today is the Green Party's state convention, and it's in our own back yard. Join the Greens as they nominate, for the first time, a full slate of candidates for statewide offices. Ralph Ferrucci is, of course, the candidate for New Haven county dogcatcher... er, U.S. senator. AFL-CIO New Haven Labor Hall, 267 Chapel St., New Haven. Social hour 11am, kickoff at noon. (860) 643-2282, greenpartyct at yahoo.com. 
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