{news} Maine'sGP for Gov gets Demo support

Green Party-CT greenpartyct at yahoo.com
Mon Aug 14 14:58:00 EDT 2006

Miller Endorses LaMarche for Governor
Chris Miller, winner of an astonishing 24% of the
Democratic Primary votes, urges his supporters to 
vote the candidate, not the party label. His
primary candidacy was about putting people first,
and after looking at all the candidates in the race,
it was clear to him that only one candidate believes
in putting the needs of Mainers ahead of all other
issues: Pat LaMarche.  


August 11, 2006
Miller Endorses LaMarche for Governor

Portland, Maine - Democrat Christopher F. Miller announced his support 
and endorsement for Pat LaMarche for Governor in November.

Pat LaMarche's commitment to a healthier state and citizenry have 
earned her the endorsement of Chris Miller, Democratic Gubernatorial Primary 
"I am here to give my support and endorsement to the only candidate who 
I believe has the courage, commitment and common sense to make the hard 
choices and changes necessary to move Maine forward," said Miller. 
"That candidate is Pat LaMarche."

Miller ran as a Democratic candidate and won an astonishing 24% of the 
vote against incumbent governor John Baldacci, in the June primary 
election. His candidacy had strong support from Democrats unhappy with the 
current administration's lack of commitment to many Democratic ideals 
of energy conservation, environmental protection, and world peace.

"I am a life long Democrat. It pains me that my party in Maine is so 
far out of touch. Most people are doing worse; that is a direct result of 
the Washington consensus and the neo-liberal agenda. The Liebermans, 
the leadership of state and national Republicans and Democrats alike," 
stated Miller. "But, as Upton Sinclair wrote: 'It's difficult to get a 
man to understand something when his salary depends on him not 
understanding it.' stated Miller.

As a long time advocate of putting people first, Pat LaMarche will 
bring about real tax relief by lowering municipal costs. In doing so, she 
also will create the nation's first, true, universal healthcare plan. 
LaMarche will take away the control of health care from the for-profit 
corporations, and will fight to end trash incineration from out of state 
and bring back community control.

Pat LaMarche is committed to using her ability and authorization as 
Governor to stand up to Washington D.C. and keep Maine's National Guard 
soldiers here in Maine, not fighting a war half a world away.

A new day is dawning in America and the very first sunrise in the 
country happens in Maine every day. Pat LaMarche will be the first ray of 
that sunrise.

"I am endorsing Pat LaMarche for Governor this November 7th. I am 
asking all of the people who share my integrity and commitment to Maine and 
the people who hope to live here for generations to come to do the 
same. This year, have the courage and the commitment to Maine and vote for 
a candidate not a party - Vote for Pat LaMarche."


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