{news} CT. Greens vote to endorse both anti- war rallies

Green Party-CT greenpartyct at yahoo.com
Wed Mar 1 10:20:46 EST 2006

    Last night at the state wide meeting of the Green Party of CT, we voted to endorse both anti-war rallies on March 18 in New Haven and on March 19 in Hartford.
       We all felt last night that both anti- war rallies would serve many different needs of many different people. We also felt it was important for the Green Party, as the Peace Party to talk to as many people as possible at each event. We will be asking people to sign petitions for our candidates at each event, with our first state wide candidates of Cliff Thornton for Governor, Ralph Ferrucci for US Senate and others.
      Unanimously, we also expressed concern about infighting or splits over issues of grave concerns that may have been produced by different sides and we felt we wanted no part in the infighting, but to promote an strong anti-war stance as the Green Party.
      Many people also have spoke to us that one or the other dates would be better for them personally (ie, work, other commitments.ect) and could volunteer one day,but not the other.
  On behalf of the Green Party statewide, let us try to get as many people to both events as possible.
  Tim McKee
  National Committee Person, CTGP
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