{news} Columnist Says Green candidate should be 'dragged behind a pick up truck"

Green Party-CT greenpartyct at yahoo.com
Fri Oct 13 11:05:00 EDT 2006

Columnist says candidate should be 'dragged
behind a pickup truck'

By Stephen Morse
DailyPennsylvanian.com, October 12, 2006

Note: If you have ADD or ADHD, you might want to
skip to the video (below) and read this when you
get confused.

Last night, I went down to the Trocadero Theatre
at 10th and Arch Streets. I was prompted to go by
Liz Spikol's Philadelphia Weekly feature
last week about Dan Savage, who writes the
nationally syndicated column Savage Love

Thanks to Ray Murphy of the Philadelphians
Against Santorum, I was granted a video interview
with Mr. Savage.

Whichever side of the political spectrum you are
on, I think that my video speaks for itself. This
was by far the most insane interview that I've
ever conducted.

For those who need a primer on the senate race
before watching the film, here are the players
discussed by Mr. Savage:

Sen. Rick Santorum: As the senate's number three
man, he is either hated or loved, depending on
who you ask. Santorum is known as a
quintessential right-winger.

Bob Casey: Son of former Pennsylvania governor
Bob Casey Sr. and currently running against
Santorum for his senate seat.

Carl Romanelli: Though he was tossed off the
ballot two weeks ago by Commonwealth Court Judge
(and former Democratic State Senator) James R.
Kelley, Romanelli is still fighting a legal
battle to get back on the ballot. Romanelli has
little political experience. Democrats tend to
hate him because should he be allowed back on the
ballot, he could serve as a 'spoiler' for the
Republicans. It is widely known that individual
Republicans provided the financial support to get
Mr. Romanelli's campaign off the ground.

[Video clip at

>From the interview: - "Carl Romanelli should be
dragged behind a pickup truck until there's
nothing left but the rope." (2:41)
- "The Green party and its supporters are tools
and fools for the republicans and the radicial
right." (2:50)
- "Any progressive who votes for a Green anymore
after Nader and now Romanelli is a fucking idiot
and should be beaten with sticks." (3:05)
- "Romanelli may want to 'rim my ass three times
a week, that doesn't make him better for me. And
it doesn't make his presence on the ballot better
for me than a casey victory." (3:31)
- "Mr. Romanelli should go fuck himself." (4:00)
- "If Carl Romanelli gets back on the ballot,
someone should run him over with a truck." (5:22)

You may link to this video as you please, but if
you intend to use it for commercial purposes,
please contact Stephen Morse at
morse at dailypennsylvanian.com. 

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