{news} New Jersey Greens' opinions on Duffee's withdrawal

edubrule edubrule at sbcglobal.net
Wed Oct 25 01:18:16 EDT 2006

Re: [GPNJ-Campaigns] FW: [gpnj-GreenCouncil] Demogreen?Sent to the CT Green Party website.  I post this on the News listserve (because the press release on the Duffee withdrawal was posted there) and to the Forum listserve (because discussion generated by this e-mail should occur on the Forum listserve).

----- Original Message ----- 
From: elizarnone 
To: greens at ctgreens.org 
Cc: GPNJ-Campaigns 
Sent: Tuesday, October 24, 2006 12:02 PM
Subject: Re: [GPNJ-Campaigns] FW: [gpnj-GreenCouncil] Demogreen?

CT Greens, some comments from NJ.  Some of us are very disappointed that you are caving in to the "lesser evilism" fear mongering which brings us to a brick wall every time.   This is no way for the GP to behave.  Are you going to cave in 2008 again also?

Liz Arnone - NJ

From: Mike Spector <njgp at sof.ws>
Reply-To: <GPNJ-Campaigns at yahoogroups.com>
Date: Mon, 23 Oct 2006 20:16:06 -0400
To: <GPNJ-Campaigns at yahoogroups.com>
Subject: Re: [GPNJ-Campaigns] FW: [gpnj-GreenCouncil] Demogreen?

(see comment at end of messages_

Richard Giovanoni wrote: 

  Withdrawing at this point of the election is absolutely the wrong thing to do. If the candidate and/or the Green Party of Connecticut want to stop campaigning - then that is one thing. But it is an insult to anyone who signed or circulated Duffee's petition or who contributed any time or money to his campaign to deny them an opportunity to vote Green in November.
  Greens and non-Greens in the district can decide for themselves how to vote.
  If any 4th District Green is extremely concerned about "spoiling", then let her/him stand at the polls on Election Day and urge people to vote for Farrell instead of a Green candidate.
  elizarnone <elizarnone at comcast.net> <mailto:elizarnone at comcast.net> wrote:


    I can't believe we still do this.  We're speaking with forked tongues.  On the one hand we're saying we have to break the duopoly because there is no difference between the two.  We know down to the very core of our being and history repeats itself over and over, yet we're still cow towing and not trying to spoil races.
    I find this so ludicrous it's beyond reproach.
    ------ Forwarded Message
     From: elizarnone <elizarnone at comcast.net>
     Date: Sun, 22 Oct 2006 13:47:32 -0400
     To: "steeringcom at green.gpus.org" <steeringcom at green.gpus.org>, Brent McMillan <brent at gp.org> <mailto:brent at gp.org> , Scott McLarty <scottmclarty at yahoo.com>, Emily Citkowski <emily at gp.org> <mailto:emily at gp.org> 
     Conversation: [gpnj-GreenCouncil] Demogreen?
     Subject: FW: [gpnj-GreenCouncil] Demogreen?
    What???? Are we crazy?  Are we going to stand by on this one?
     Green Party may drop candidate, switch support to Farrell 
     To avoid being a spoiler for Democrat Diane Farrell's congressional bid, state Green Party officials plan to meet this weekend to discuss dropping their candidate in the 4th District race and supporting the former Westport first selectwoman. 
    When the party nominated Stamford resident Richard Duffee in July, many party members said they should run a candidate only if it didn't hurt Farrell's chances of ousting U.S. Rep. Christopher Shays, R-Bridgeport, said David Bedell, secretary for the Green Party's Fairfield County chapter. 
    Tomorrow's closed meeting for the party's leadership came at the suggestion of Farrell's camp and the Green Party, Bedell said. 
    A Green Party flier for its members suggested Farrell could make "concessions in exchange for our withdrawal," though Bedell would not discuss specific expectations. 
    "We discussed this happening a number of times, and now we're looking at it again," Bedell said. 
    The party's members will vote on dropping Duffee, and the results should be made public next week, Bedell added. 
    Since the Green Party does not have minor-party status for the 4th District office -- meaning it has not gained 1 percent of the vote in past elections -- it cannot cross-endorse another candidate. The party could replace Duffee with another candidate up until Oct. 30. 
    "If he were to withdraw, the party can nominate another candidate, but not another existing candidate on the ballot," state elections officer Arthur Champagne said. 
    Shays' camp criticized Farrell and the Green Party, calling the closed-door meeting "questionable." 
    "At this late stage in the game, the meeting should be open to the public," said Michael Sohn, Shays' campaign manger. "What concessions is she going to make? After all the debates, what is going to change?" 
    The candidates finished their last of 11 debates yesterday at the Norwalk Inn & Conference Center. 
    Farrell's campaign manager Adam Wood dismissed the attack, calling the meeting one of many the Democrat is using "to persuade people to vote for change." 
    Wood said he wouldn't define the "concessions" expected by the Greens in their flier because "I wouldn't want the Greens to speak for me. I wouldn't want the Republicans to speak for me. I wouldn't want the Libertarians to speak for me. So I won't speak for them." 
    Duffee, who has appeared in the fewest debates among the candidates since the campaign started, said he has always understood the party could eventually drop him, and he wouldn't be disappointed if it happened. 
    "I never had the notion that it was possible for the Green Party to win this election," Duffee said. "I know people say you run to win, but it would be irresponsible for me to think that. My purpose was to get information into the campaign and to get into political discussions. I wanted to make some of these ideas more accessible." 
    The 4th Congressional District election has been considered by most political analysts to be a toss-up. A Reuters/Zogby poll released this month put Farrell ahead of Shays 46 percent to 41 percent with 13 percent still undecided; a poll by the University of Connecticut and The Advocate and Greenwich Time taken during the same period showed Shays up 44 percent to 40 percent with 16 percent undecided. 
         - By Mark Ginocchio, The Advocate 

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 Ah, what a donkey I was! Toward the end of the week I began to get this large and disenchanting fact through my head: that the mass of the nation had swung their caps and shouted for the republic for about one day, and there an end! The Church, the nobles, and the gentry then turned one grand, all-disapproving frown upon them and shriveled them into sheep! From that moment the sheep had begun to gather to the fold -- that is to say, the camps -- and  offer their valueless lives and their valuable wool to the "righteous cause." Why, even the very men who had lately been slaves were in the "righteous cause," and glorifying it, praying for it, sentimentally slabbering over it, just like all the other commoners. Imagine such human muck as this; conceive of this folly!

- From Mark Twain's "A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court"


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