{news} Write a letter to the editor: Debate sponsors must invite Green candidates!

Green Party-CT greenpartyct at yahoo.com
Wed Oct 25 10:00:25 EDT 2006

Scott McLarty <scottmclarty at yahoo.com> wrote: From: Scott McLarty <scottmclarty at yahoo.com>
To: media-states at lists.gp-us.org
Subject: [media-states] Write a letter to the editor: Debate sponsors must invite Green candidates!
Date: Tue, 24 Oct 2006 22:47:26 -0700 (PDT)

 Please forward this widely to all Greens &
friends, Green lists, Green candidates, and
Greens working on campaigns

Hey Greens!

Let's show our candidates some urgent support by
writing LETTERS TO THE EDITOR of local newspapers
calling for inclusion of Greens running for
office in all candidates' debates and forums.

Along with letters to the editor, we can also
write messages to online discussion groups and
neighborhood bulletin boards calling for
inclusion of Greens and other third party and
independent candidates in debates.

Here are some important points to make...

� Voters have a right to know about all the names
they'll see on the ballot on Election Day, and to
know which candidate best represents their
interests and ideals.  When debate sponsors bar
candidates, they violate this right.

If a voter wants US troops returned home from
Iraq right now or supports national health
insurance or livable wages or repeal of NAFTA,
that voter has a right to know that there's a
Green candidate on the ballot who takes the same
positions, and to make a decision about who to
vote for based on this information.

� When debate sponsors (especially media) base
their decision to bar candidates on opinion poll
percentages or candidates' campaign treasuries,
then opinion polls and campaign treasuries become
more important than the ballot box in determining
who gets elected.

Opinion polls are not democracy.  Some polls omit
Greens and other parties' candidates, and only
mention Democratic and Republican candidates in
their questions.  Any candidate whose name is on
the ballot is a 'legitimate' and 'viable'

� Democratic and Republican candidates all across
the US take millions in campaign contributions
from corporations.  Voters deserve to hear from
candidates -- like Greens -- who represent WE THE
PEOPLE and take no corporate money, not just
candidates who represent corporate interests.

If you want to get specific about the amount of
corporate money that's funding the Democratic &
Republican opposition, visit the Center for
Voting & Democracy .

� Praise organizations that have sponsored
inclusive debates.  In some states, the League of
Women Voters withdrew in protest when cosponsors
insisted on excluding Greens and other candidates
from debates.  They deserve our thanks.

� Don't forget to mention the name of a local
Green candidate who has been excluded from a
debate.  Talk about strong positions your
candidate has taken and include a web site.

Use your own ideas and words, or adapt the above
language.  Remember to keep your letter concise
and to the point.  The shorter the letter, the
more likely it'll get published -- you don't have
to include all the points listed above.  Four to
six sentences is a good length.  If you make the
letter personal in some way ("I'm a tenant, and
the Green candidate will fight for rent control")
or some humor, it's even more likely to get

Start writing, and let us know if your letter
gets published!

Media Committee

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    Tim McKee cell (860) 778-1304 or (860) 643-2282
   National Committee Member of the Green Party(Connecticut)
    Cliff Thornton for Governor- Campaign Manager

  Paid for by Thornton For Governor, Max Wentworth, Treasurer-   www.VoteThornton.com

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