{news} Organizing/Fundraising session

Jean de Smet JeandeSmet at galaxyinternet.net
Fri Sep 15 12:44:51 EDT 2006

Everyone is invited to join Mike DeRosa, Barbara Barry and myself in a
mini-phonathon for organizing and fundraising.


Monday, October 18th, 6pm.  Mike and Barbara are generously offering the use
of their home, so we'll have a land line and whatever cell phones we bring
with us.  48 Village Drive, Apt 204, Wethersfield.  Mike-can you give us


We're going to go to the list of recent donors first.  And I think we should
target the recent active voters from our annual meeting.  And chapter lists,
of course.  I plan to ask people to get involved in the statewide campaign.
I'll target an area of eastern CT and try to get together a group that will
host a house party and/or other event(s) for Cliff and/or Ralph and/or
Greens which will both raise funds and awareness of the campaign.  And maybe
form a future chapter, right?


We should also have forms to fill out if people want to donate on the spot
via credit card.  They can choose either to donate to the CTGP, or to any or
some of the candidates.  We'll need some help from our treasurers and
campaign manager here!  Pile on the rules.


I hope we'll do this every week and that others are doing this in their
areas?  Let's really use this campaign to organize!




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