{news} Mexicio's Green Party proposes increasing penalties for abortion?

Green Party-CT greenpartyct at yahoo.com
Tue Apr 3 14:41:17 EDT 2007

  Mexico's Green Party proposes increasing penalties for abortion 
The Associated Press 
  Friday, March 30, 2007 
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  MEXICO CITY: Mexico's small Green Party said Friday it is seeking to toughen penalties for illegal abortions, a bid to counteract efforts by leftist legislators to legalize the procedure.
  Green Party Sen. Arturo Escobar said a bill introduced to the Senate on Thursday proposes increasing prison sentences for women who have an abortion and anyone who forces a woman to abort against her will.
  The measure aims to challenge a bill filed Tuesday in the lower house by the Democratic Revolution Party, or PRD — the second-largest bloc in Congress — to legalize abortion in Mexico, where about 90 percent of people are at least nominally Catholic.
  "Mexican society is only prepared to allow abortion when the pregnancy is the result of rape, when the fetus has congenital defects or when the life of the woman is at risk," Escobar said.
  The PRD's bill to legalize abortion nationwide is expected to face a tough test in Congress, where President Felipe Calderon's conservative National Action Party is the biggest force.
  However, a bill presented by PRD lawmakers in Mexico City to allow abortion during the first three months of pregnancy is expected to be approved in April by the city's legislature, where the PRD holds a majority.
  The abortion bills have launched a protracted fight between liberal lawmakers and conservative forces in Mexico.

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