{news} Patricia Kane announces candidacy for GP CT Secretary

Patricia Kane law_office_kane at yahoo.com
Wed Apr 11 11:12:33 EDT 2007

Dear Greens:

          After having attended meetings of the Statewide
Coordinating Committee, and having initiated the establish
ment of a committee to  review and revise the GP by-laws,
I see the need for new leadership and ideas at the Executive
Committee level.
        The primary purpose of a political party, to me, is to 
support the election of good people who will advance Green
party values and a Green agenda developed by consensus.
        We have a lot of work to do to accomplish that.
        I believe Ct needs a strong and effective Green Party to
set a progressive agenda on the environment and issues of
social and  economic justice.
          I  believe we can work with other progressives, regardless
of party affiliation, to accomplish that agenda.
           I believe we can establish a Green presence in our
communities and at every level of government to attract 
new  members.
           I believe we can organize our fund raising to give more
support to our candidates.
           Since my candidacy came too late for inclusion on the
ballot, I ask you to vote for me if you are using an absentee ballot.
Otherwise we can continue this conversation at the
PS. My background is in law, mediation and politics.

          Patricia Kane, Esq. 
  The Kane Legal Group LLC
230 High Ridge Road
  Stamford, CT 06905
(203 324-3316 
(203) 351-0818 Fax

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