Charlie Pillsbury chapillsbury at igc.org
Thu Apr 19 22:55:48 EDT 2007

This is the suggested agenda for Saturday.  Your feedback is requested and welcome.  
thanks, charlie

11:15AM-12NOON: (all times are approximate) Set up, and food by Jerry Martin and Barbara Barry.  Sign-up for box lunches with Jerry or designee.
12:15-12:30PM: INTRODUCTION - Welcome by Charlie Pillsbury, New Haven Green Party Co-Chair; approve facilitator; review agenda & election procedures, including appointment of clerks to count ballots. Caleb Kleppner will explain voting process and answer any questions about the process.  NOTE: Clerks Richard Duffy (Fairfield), Steve Fournier (Greater Hartford) and Caleb Kleppner (New Haven) were approved at March SCC meeting.  Are more clerks needed?  Approve clerks.

From: David Bedell, Wed. April 18, 2007 Here's all that the party by-laws require:
"Party Co-Chairpersons shall be elected by an absolute majority vote of the members, as established if necessary by successive preferential voting. Other offices shall be filled by volunteers approved by the State Central Committee, and/or by appointment of individuals proposed by responsible members and approved by the State Central Committee. All offices shall be for a term of one year from the time of election or appointment." Although by-laws do not require it, the SCC has historically turned over
election of Treasurer, Secretary, and National Representatives to a vote by the general membership/annual convention.  This is a policy in the spirit of grassroots democracy, but not legally required.

12:30-1:15PM: PARTY ELECTIONS CANDIDATES FORUM -  Introduce nominees and take nominations from floor for three co-chairs, one secretary, one
treasurer, three national party reps. Brief candidate presentations followed by Q&A.
1:15-1:30PM: VOTING - Delegates/Members vote; clerks collect delegates'/members' ballots for party candidates. 

1:30PM:     Recess for Lunch (fundraiser for Thornton Campaign). Price: $15
1:45PM:    Speech by Cliff Thornton, followed by Q&A. 
2:05PM:    Speech by Ken Krayeske, followed by Q&A.  
2:25PM:    Speech by David Ionno, Veterans for Peace, followed by Q&A.
2:45PM: CONVENTION ELECTION RESULTS: Clerks announce ballot count for party elections; two-thirds approval required.

2:50PM:     Concluding remarks by current CTGP Co-Chair Mike DeRosa or Jean DeSmet

2:55PM:     Adjourn/ clean up. 

3:00PM:     (1) The newly elected CTGP officers will meet briefly to take care of any pressing business and schedule date/site of next:  EC meeting and  5-29-07 SCC meeting.

                  (2) The Internal Elections Committee will hold brief open meeting to discuss this year's voting process and things to consider for future elections.
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