{news} Please stop all wild gossip, slanderous stories and other non professional posts

Green Party-CT greenpartyct at yahoo.com
Thu Aug 2 09:15:58 EDT 2007

Dear National and Ct Greens,
  I wrote to both the national and state of Connecticut email list serves asking for people not to spread wild stories and sometimes even slanderous accounts which may end up us with some of us even getting sued for what is being said by emailers with little or no evidence to back up their claims about individuals in the public eye.
  These are public email list serves. We must conduct our self with respect and dignity.
  I was shocked by claims, and will not repeat the most recent spread by someone who claims they heard it from a State co chair. This is all second and even third hand gossip with some very serious possibilities. 
  Ask your self.. can u prove this in a court of law? Are u willing to expose both the state and National greens to lawsuits for damages? 
  Saying "i think so and so should run for office" or "i don't support this or that is one thing", claims of crimes, misdeeds and other things that CAN NOT BE PROVEN is something we should all be concerned about!! 
  ii people continue to spread these kinds of unproven claims, I will ask that both state and national list serve managers to BAN these people for legal reasons and help protect our state and national party!!   
  If people keep exposing us to potential legal action, i will ask that Greens to censure,or expel  those people form any office or standing as leaders in our party.
  Sadly, the person who spread one remarks was banned for two years from state business and returned only to smear and make claims that she can not prove and cause us possible legal action aginst us.
  I do hope Greens take this message seriously. Unproven gossip has hurt us both on a state and national level. I am not advocating censorship, just common and professional sense in communications that are seeing by possible thousands.
  Tim McKee
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