{news} Fwd: Green Party supports a National Health Care Plan for all.

Green Party-CT greenpartyct at yahoo.com
Sat Jul 7 10:44:21 EDT 2007

Green Party of the United States <office at gp.org> wrote:  Date: Fri, 6 Jul 2007 19:57:47 -0400 (EDT)
From: Green Party of the United States <office at gp.org>
To: greenpartyct at yahoo.com
Subject: Green Party supports a National Health Care Plan for all.


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                Dear Timothy:
  The United States is the only industrialized nation in the world without a national health care system. The current system's high costs and widely recognized failures demand that bold steps be taken. The Green Party supports a universal, comprehensive, national single-payer health insurance program as the only solution to the current disastrous for-profit system.
  Under a universal national single-payer health care system, the administrative waste of private insurance corporations would be redirected to patient care. If the U.S. were to shift to a system of universal coverage and a single payer plan, as in Canada, the savings in administrative costs would be more than enough to offset the cost. Expenses for businesses currently providing coverage would be reduced. State and local governments would pay less because they would receive reimbursement for services provided to the previously uninsured, and because public programs would cease to be the "dumping ground" for high-risk patients and those rejected by HMOs when they become disabled and unemployed.
  It is no secret that each year more and more Americans go without health care. 11 million children and 35 million adults have no medical insurance, up six million from six years ago while our health care system ranks only 37th in performance worldwide, outranked by Morocco and Costa Rica.
  That's why the Green Party and Green candidates have consistently called for universal health insurance. Big drug manufacturers and insurance firms have killed all attempts to have America join the rest of the industrial world and provide health care to all Americans. Too many Washington politicians, both Democrats and Republicans, have been bought off by their big corporate checks while millions more Americas lose all hope of ever being able to afford quality health care. The Green Party does not accept contributions from corporations including any of those mentioned above.
  In July 2006, San Francisco made history by becoming the first jurisdiction in the nation to provide universal health insurance to each uninsured man, woman and child regardless of income or pre-existing conditions. The Green Party has promoted such a system for the entire nation and asks you to join us in our efforts to make Medicare For All a reality in the United States.
  You can help by going to the Take Action link at www.gp.org and send an automated letter to the editor of your local newspaper and also, send a letter to your Congressperson supporting the Green Party position.
  The Green Party does not accept corporate donations and depends on people like you to support our efforts. Please donate to the Green Party and help us wage a campaign for healthcare for all.
  We are changing the political landscape. We can do more, but we need more help from you. With your help, we can change the world. Will you please help us out today? Tell your friends and please click on the donate button. 

  The future of the Green Party is in your hands. If you want to see a powerful and progressive Green Party for years to come, please act today. We must be the change we want to see.
  Email: office at gp.org
Green Party of the United States
PO Box 57065 Washington, D.C. 20037 202-319-7191 or toll-free (US): 866-41GREEN

    Tim McKee cell (860) 778-1304 or (860) 643-2282
   National Committee Member of the Green Party(Connecticut)

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