{news} next New Haven chapter meeting Thurs. 2/14 7:30pm

Charlie Pillsbury chapillsbury at igc.org
Thu Feb 7 17:37:51 EST 2008

Our February meeting will be held next Thursday 2/14 from 7:30-9:00pm.  It's
Valentine's Day, so bring your valentine.   

The location is the Never Ending Book Store, 810 State Street.


At the last SCC meeting, the CTGP renewed its request that we find a
candidate to run for Congress in the 3rd District in November.  Already,
there are Green candidates running in CT's other 4 CDs (which is historic),
and the state party would like to run a candidate in all 5 CDs (which would
be truly historic).  


The one advantage we have in the 3rd CD is that we already have ballot
status and, therefore, do not have to petition to run a candidate for
Congress.  Technically, we could wait until July to select a candidate, but
the state party would very much like us to recruit a candidate to run
against Rosa DeLauro before the end of March.


In my opinion, it would be wonderful to run a Green candidate, who is well
versed in "green" issues, as well as other Green Party positions, such as
single-payer universal health care, impeachment of Cheney and Bush (in that
order), condemnation of torture, and immediate withdrawal of troops from
Iraq, to name just a few.


Feel free to forward this email to other lists.


Also, please let me know if you have any other items add to the agenda.  


Thanks, Charlie


Charlie Pillsbury
247 Saint Ronan Street
New Haven CT 06511
chapillsbury at igc.org




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