{news} Letter Printed In Hartford Courant: Nader Right About The War -- Courant.com

Mike DeRosa smderosa at cox.net
Sun Feb 17 00:14:08 EST 2008



Nader Right About The War


The Feb. 10 editorial ["It's All About Ralph"] about a possible Ralph Nader
presidential candidacy in 2008 proves only that if truth is the first
casualty in war, then language is the second casualty.

When the editorial writer chooses to use dismissive language to describe
Ralph Nader, such as "spoiler," "crank," "nag," "a Narcissus" and
"class-warfare" messenger, the writer ought to at least address the real
reason so many voters - a majority - are still more in agreement with Ralph
Nader than they are with any of the remaining primary candidates on the Iraq
war. Mr. Nader has consistently opposed the war from the first drumbeat to
the present quagmire.

It is no longer a secret that the Bush administration and the Republican
Party knowingly and maliciously fabricated evidence of weapons of mass
destruction in Iraq and suppressed honest intelligence agents to create a
pretext to invade a sovereign nation - and that the majority of Democrats
have enabled this process and still refuse to adequately question and
investigate this deception.

A little time studying the voting record of the two remaining Democratic
candidates still in the race reveals that they voted for nearly $300 billion
in war appropriations for this illegal war and only recently voted no when
the presidential race started to heat up. The Republicans still in the race,
excluding Ron Paul, have never seen a war appropriations bill they didn't

Based on past comments and other evidence, it is highly probable that the
four candidates with leading positions in the primaries have no intention of
completely leaving Iraq any time soon and that these candidates might
redeploy some of the U.S. troops in Iraq to other countries in the Middle
East to fight even more illegal and immoral wars.

Pundits obsess over "electability" but pay scant attention to the problem
faced by tens of millions of U.S. voters: Are the major-party,
media-ordained candidates really for change or is this just another false

Ralph Nader offers a real choice in 2008 by proposing thoughtful and
innovative solutions to our national and international problems and
challenges. Nader and the other third-party voices of sanity in this time of
great national scandal will not be discouraged by those intent on destroying
the Bill Of Rights, the U.S. Constitution and the rule of law.

Mike DeRosa 


The writer is co-chairman of the Green Party of Connecticut. Ralph Nader was
the Green Party candidate for president in 1996 and 2000. 

Copyright C 2008, The Hartford Courant <http://www.courant.com/> 


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