{news} Nader Right About The War

Robert Vogel vogel at ct.metrocast.net
Sun Feb 17 11:19:09 EST 2008

Nader Right About The War -- Courant.com....but Robert Sheer is even MORE right about the war. For example he points out...

"That U.S. military budget exceeds what the rest of the world's nations combined spend on defense. Nor can it be justified as militarily necessary to counter terrorists, who used primitive $10 box cutters to commandeer civilian aircraft on 9/11. It only makes sense as a field of dreams for defense contractors and their allies in Washington who seized upon the 9/11 tragedy to invent a new Cold War. Imagine their panic at the end of the old one and their glee at this newfound opportunity. Ike was right: Robert Scheer"


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