{news} Governor Rell, a Republican, won't change her mind.

vogel at ct.metrocast.net vogel at ct.metrocast.net
Sun May 24 12:38:29 EDT 2009

Why is it that Republicans along with their 'pro-life', talk-radio propagandists favor not just waterboarding but the death penalty ?

George W. Bush during his six years as governor of Texas presided over 152 executions, more than any other governor in the recent history of the United States. Still Republicans nominated him and we are all paying the price. Republicans at the very top spawned Guantanamo, Abu Ghraib, waterboarding, secret prisons, and other lawless 'justice'. 

Both the Ct House and Senate passed a bill to abolish the death penalty. The death penalty does not save money. It is error prone. It is vengeful, but satisfies no one. Because of US continued use of the death penalty, advanced countries refuse to extradite to us. The Declaration of Independence reads "a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation." 

Governor Rell, a true Republican, has said she intends to veto It. 
We should oppose Republicans in government and on talk radio. They are a threat to the Constitution, civilization, and the habitability of the planet. 

Robert L Vogel 

East Lyme, Ct 


Consider writing a letter to your newspaper to support abolition of the death penalty. Think this one is too strong ?
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