[TDA_wg] Splinter TDA meeting at IAU GA?

Carole Mundell C.G.Mundell at bath.ac.uk
Mon Jun 8 17:55:03 EDT 2015

Hi Rob,

Might it be possible for those of us who are not attending the IAU in person to join the discussions by telecom?

best wishes,


From: TDA_wg <tda_wg-bounces at timedomainastronomy.net> on behalf of Rob Seaman <seaman at noao.edu>
Sent: Monday, June 8, 2015 6:14 AM
To: tda_wg at timedomainastronomy.net
Subject: [TDA_wg] Splinter TDA meeting at IAU GA?

Hello IAU TDA working group,

Can we have a show of hands for who will be attending the IAU General Assembly in Honolulu?

Elizabeth Griffin, the WG Vice-chair, has volunteered to organize a WG splinter meeting.  The immediate question is whether we will have a quorum in attendence.

Elizabeth suggests these timeslots:

Friday (August 7),           9 - 10 am, 6 - 7 pm
Tuesday (August 11),      9 - 10 am, 6 - 7 pm
Wednesday (August 12), 9 - 10 am, 6 - 7 pm

Please express a preference for time and date, but otherwise only mention completely solid scheduling conflicts.

We only have a few days to propose the session, so time is of the essence (as always in this WG). Elizabeth nicely sums up the agenda:

"The main purpose of the meeting would be to create a forum for discussion, to show that we exist as a body, to show the IAU that we are seriously about existing as a body, and to get to know [each other]."

By all means suggest more specific topics for the session (or for the mailing list).



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