[TDA_wg] Thanks Bob! And don't forget to vote!

Rob Seaman seaman at noao.edu
Wed Jun 17 13:43:53 EDT 2015


The voting instructions for the new slate of IAU commissions have been mailed out today.  C.B2, “Data and Documentation”, is the parent commission of the TDA working group, though WG members need not belong to the commission (and the remit of the WG is broader than C.B2).  Those who DID choose to join C.B2 should have received a message similar to:

> From: IAU Secretariat <no-reply at iau.org>
> Subject: Commission C.B2 - 'Data and Documentation' Organizing Committee Election 2015
> Date: June 17, 2015 at 7:36:26 AM MST
> We invite you to participate in the 'Commission C.B2 - Data and Documentation Organizing Committee Election 2015: Vice-President and Regular Members (2015)'.  *The deadline is: 8 July 2015, 23:59 Central European Summer Time (CEST = UTC+2)* 
> You first need to go to: https://www.mi-vote.com/ 
> Please use your unique voting code to make your selection.

You might contact the IAU if you are expecting a ballot and don’t receive it today.

Bob Hanisch is retiring as president of the commission after many years of heroic service.  In particular, Bob was instrumental in navigating this WG through the IAU labyrinth, and Elizabeth and I worked with Bob as organizers and editors of the proceedings for IAU Symposium 285, New Horizons in Time Domain Astronomy.  The number of ways he has contributed to our community is vast.  Bob and the rest of the Commission 5 OC deserve our great thanks!

While rummaging through the thesaurus for a fancier way to say “great thanks”, I came upon the lovely word “gramercy” from Middle English related to the French merci. My sister used to live in the East Village in Manhattan, midway in every regard between Katz’s Deli and Gramercy Park. But the New Yorkers' usage of gramercy is rather said to derive from the Dutch for "little crooked swamp”.

Great thanks, Bob, for traversing all the little crooked swamps for us over the years!


> After consultation with the IAU General Secretary and with Michael Wise, 
> the current Vice President of Commission 5, I have decided not to become 
> the president of the new Commission B2 owing to my change in jobs from the 
> Space Telescope Science Institute to NIST, the National Institute of 
> Standards and Technology.  Michael has agreed to become the President of 
> B2 and Anja Schroder, currently on the C5 Organizing Committee and who had 
> been a candidate for the B2 OC, has agreed to stand for election as the 
> Vice President of B2. 
> I encourage all members of B2 to support Michael in his leadership role 
> and to participate in the voting for VP and OC members. 
> Bob Hanisch 
> Outgoing President, Commission 5
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