[TDA_wg] Fwd: Comet release 2.0.0

Rob Seaman seaman at lpl.arizona.edu
Mon Feb 1 11:04:03 EST 2016

Of interest to the IAU Time Domain WG:

Begin forwarded message:

> From: John Swinbank <swinbank at princeton.edu>
> Subject: Comet release 2.0.0
> Date: January 31, 2016 at 5:29:41 PM MST
> To: IVOA List VOEvent <voevent at ivoa.net>
> Dear all,
> I’m pleased to announce the release of version 2.0.0 of Comet, my implementation of the VOEvent Transport Protocol.
> Note that version 2.0.0 contains some backwards incompatible changes. Highlights of this release include:
>    Drop support for Python 2.6, following the same change made in Twisted.
>    Improve checking for valid IVORNs.
>    Switch dependency from `ipaddr-py`_ to `py2-ipaddress`_. The latter is a
>    backport of the Python 3 functionality, so this helps clear the way for an
>    eventual Python 3 version of Comet.
>    Use the ``$TMPDIR`` environment variable, if set, to store the event
>    database. Otherwise, fall back to ``tmp``.
>    Some extremely old versions of Comet (dating from before the 1.0.0
>    release) used a different format for the database of seen events. All
>    released versions through 1.2.2 automatically update old-style databases
>    to the new format when run. As of this release, this support for legacy
>    databases has been dropped. It is necessary to use a previous Comet
>    release to update the database format before upgrading to this version.
>    Refactoring the codebase caused a minor API change: logging facilities are
>    now available from the ``comet.log`` module. End user code — notably event
>    handling plugins — should replace statements to the effect of ``from
>    comet.utility import log`` with ``import comet.log as log``. The
>    convenience aliases ``log.msg`` and ``log.warning`` have been removed: use
>    ``log.info`` and ``log.warn`` instead.
> Comet is available for download from <http://comet.transientskp.org/>. It is released under an open source (2 clause BSD) license, and development takes place at <https://github.com/jdswinbank/Comet/>. Your questions, comments, feedback and pull requests are welcome.
> Cheers,
> John

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