[Thali-talk] Yaron's Weekly Update - 4/27/2015

Yaron Goland yarong at microsoft.com
Mon Apr 27 17:16:08 EDT 2015

One Week Ago:

  *   TL;DR - Got our newest team member Sreejumon Purayil up to speed, bunch of internal meetings, took a sick day but made huge progress on figuring out how to do discovery!
  *   Monday - Emails. Long talk with a new team member, Sreejumon. Then another long talk with him and Matt about Sreejumon's first assignment. Then wasted a good chunk of the day trying to get VPN/DA working (failed). Did a tiny bit of work on discovery
  *   Tuesday - Sick Day
  *   Wednesday - 1/2 the day spent talking to one of our customers and to internal folks. Prepared for a technical interview the next day. Spent a ton of time on discovery. Mostly wasted as I went down the wrong approach with ECDSA but then figured out I should probably use ECDH.
  *   Thursday - Did the interview and mailed follow up. Did a bunch of code clean up and generally worked on getting the discovery approach nailed down.
  *   Friday - More long meetings with team members. Bunch of email but actually got to spend almost the entire day just hacking on code for discovery. Made a ton of progress!

Next Week:

  *   Finish up discovery proposal
  *   Meet with crypto board member to review discovery proposal
  *   Usual tech lead stuff
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