[Thali-talk] Yaron's Weekly Update - 1/12/2014

Yaron Goland yarong at microsoft.com
Mon Jan 12 17:43:32 EST 2015

[Note: I didn't send a status update two weeks ago because I only worked 2 days of that week so I'll just roll that status into this one]

Last Week (plus more)

  *   TL;DR - A tiny bit of coding, got to play with FireChat but mostly endless PM work.
  *   Monday two weeks ago - Spent most of the day experimenting with FireChat (summary of results here<http://thaliproject.org/ExperimentWithFireChat>) and then cleaned up a bunch of the node-gyp query code.
  *   Tuesday two weeks ago - Spent most of the day figuring out Facebook's immutable library for Javascript and cleaning up the node-gyp analysis code.
  *   Monday Last week - Outstanding full day meeting with a potential customer!
  *   Tuesday - Bunch of internal PM style work including writing up my review, filling out a status powerpoint deck for my project (which required getting a bunch of ducks in a row), rescheduling meetings, etc.
  *   Wednesday - Cleaning up the backlog tracker from the old Java work. Following up on a customer scenario regarding per user secrets that came up. Research customer related issues.
  *   Thursday - Wrote up a long email on an IEEE article I might be a co-author on. More backlog clean up and customer research.
  *   Friday - Spent the entire day writing up detailed requirements describing our deliverables for a potential Thali customer.

This Week:

  *   Write up the second customer's requirements
  *   Update mesh mess article
  *   Star experimenting with ad-hoc file sharing between iPhone and Android

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