[Thali-talk] Thali daily status - 7/10/2015

Yaron Goland yarong at microsoft.com
Fri Jul 10 11:50:44 EDT 2015

Matt got our first end to end test on the postcard app working on Android! This involved discovery over wi-fi direct followed by a full PouchDB synch over Bluetooth. As explained below Matt has some high priority items he has to get done before Jukka goes on vacation so we'll delay making a video until Monday. But you can see a picture at https://twitter.com/mattpodwysocki/status/619319928957472768

Matt - Decided that we will use Jasmin as our unit test framework because unlike Mocha it seems to be "pure" Javascript so we can hopefully easily run it on Android and iOS. Wrote a bunch of tests for the native layer. In the evening we worked together to figure out why the postcard app wasn't really behaving itself but once I went to dinner he kept on and made it work! Today he will continue to focus on tests for the native layer since we need to get those to Jukka by Monday so he has a chance to make sure that the native layer actually passes the tests before he leaves for vacation for three weeks! This is why we are delaying the video.

Srikanth - He spent yesterday figuring out how to update the DB and related code in the postcard app to support our functionality in 0.0. Today he will synch to Matt's latest postcard app code and continue his work.

Jukka - He spent the day working on BLE. Specifically he put together a testing framework so we can see how much battery BLE uses under different scenarios.

Oguz - Continuing work on JXCore 0.4 (this is the Node 0.12 release), final preparations for submitting their app to the app store (to see what Apple thinks of JXCore) and releasing some new APIs in the cordova mobile Interface to make it easier to do things like find a location to save files regardless of the underlying OS.

Yaron - Yesterday I spent most of the morning trying to figure out bugs in the postcard app only for it to turn out that I didn't understand Matt's instructions. I fixed that. I got the code running with a slightly new structure that treats the Thali code as a normal NPM "require" and then started debugging into why communications wasn't working right. This eventually led to me working with Matt where we realized that we had overly aggressive code for cleaning up closed connections (which was my fault) and we stripped it out which led to things working. But now we are leaking objects. I'm going to hold off on trying to fix this until Matt has the emulator layer working (this is essentially a pure javascript mock of the native layer so we can develop on the desktop and not deal with the deployment delays and lack of node.js debugging on the handsets) since I can fix it there. Today will be spent setting up my iPhones, trying to get Brian's iOS Thali Cordova Plugin working and learning Objective-C.

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