[Thali-talk] Daily Status 7/13/2015

Matthew Podwysocki Matthew.Podwysocki at microsoft.com
Mon Jul 13 19:15:27 EDT 2015


This is Matthew Podwysocki once again standing in for Yaron for this particular meeting.

Matthew – Currently working on API documentation for killing a BlueTooth connection so that we can better simulate a BlueTooth failure and recover from it.  Note that this is only to be used for testing purposes.  Also currently working on an orchestration manager for the Thali Replication Manager which simulates a running Thali Cordova Plugin environment in the desktop.  Ensuring that the unit tests written for the Thali Emitter also work on mobile (TBD).

Jukka – Currently analyzing power consumption on BLE in Android.  Ran tests over the weekend and found the battery life to be about 27 hours using BLE, which is not far off from the existing BlueTooth code.  This is to be expected given that he is pegging the BLE stack just as hard as he is pegging the BlueTooth stack.  He will analyze the data tomorrow from today’s run to see how long the phones will last.  A few small items yet to do for BLE.  Also drew an architecture diagram of how the code works for Yaron so that when Jukka goes on vacation, there is no interruption.  Jukka has also written a blog post about his current investigation with BLE (http://www.drjukka.com/blog/wordpress/?p=134)

David – Got most of the code sorted out for running the Thali Cordova Plugin example with Brian’s code.  Getting the interfaces stood up to reflect the API that Jukka and he agreed upon.

Sreejumon – Just got back from leave and will be picking up the Postcard App to get working on his devices.  He will also start looking at the ACL Layer shortly for Story 0.

Srikanth – Synchronizing with Matthew for his code to get his two Android devices synchronizing.  Right now it currently does not work for his Flex 2 and Nexus 5 devices both running Android 5.1.1 (Lolipop).

Yaron – Set up his iPhones for Thali testing purposes.  Finished all of the material on an introduction to ObjC to fully understand David’s Code.
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