[Thali-talk] Thali daily status - 7/31/2015

Yaron Goland yarong at microsoft.com
Fri Jul 31 13:27:10 EDT 2015

Matt - He has finished his tests for Story 0 and responded to my comments on his PR. I just sent him more comments based on some of his latest changes. He needs to resolve those and check in. then he will work on the Mux tests which are scheduled for story 0.0.

Srikanth - He implemented the login screen yesterday and will work on the drop down today to let people pick addresses for their postcards to be sent to.

Yaron - I got the end to end install experience working with both the test app and the postcard app. However I managed to re-invent some functionality that there are already existing libraries for so I need to remove that as well as test a bunch of edge cases and find out why every install causes a gradle exception (that doesn't seem to actually break anything!).

Sreejumon - He got the Winston logging framework working on Android and figured out how to get the console logger to work as well. He will submit a PR to Winston to enable them to run on JXCore.

David - He is working on understanding the postcard app and deciding how to clean it up so it looks and behaves better.

Toby - He is making good progress on getting the native APIs working on iOS but more work to go. He already has the single device tests passing but now he needs to work on the multiple device tests.
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