[Thali-talk] Yaron's Weekly Update - 3/23/2015

Yaron Goland yarong at microsoft.com
Mon Mar 23 15:50:48 EDT 2015

One Week Ago:

  *   TL;DR - Finished JXCore testing!!!! Published two articles about it here<http://www.goland.org/jxcore/> and here<http://www.goland.org/jxcoreperf/>. Picked our new issue tracker, Waffle, published an article about it<http://www.goland.org/anotherthalibacklog/> and moved all of our issues into it<https://waffle.io/thaliproject/thali>.
  *   Monday - Spent most of the day on lync with the team helping to drive various issues. Then investigated what was going on with the perf issues we were seeing last week with JXCore.
  *   Tuesday - Fewer calls today. Spent most of the day getting JXCore's android project to work in Intellij, set up with our PouchDB files, and figuring out various bugs/blockers. I did finally get everything running but it is glacially slow!
  *   Wednesday - Nubisa sent a fix for perf on Android that did make things much better. More calls with the team. Spent most of the day writing the mega JXCore FAQ and related perf article.
  *   Thursday - Posted the two JXCore articles. Lots of emails. Picked a new backlog manager that better integrates with GitHub (waffle.io). Set up our twitter account and connected it to our blog via TwitterFeed.
  *   Friday - This was only a 1/2 day to make up for working last weekend. Published an article on Waffle and spent most of the dumping all our issues into it.

Next Week:

  *   Internal doc review
  *   Review bluetooth code
  *   Figure out an issue with PouchDB attachment replication
  *   Split issues with Matt and get to work

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