[Thali-talk] Yaron's Weekly Update - 3/16/2015

Yaron Goland yarong at microsoft.com
Mon Mar 16 20:20:45 EDT 2015

One Week Ago:

  *   TL;DR - Reviewed JXCore's code base and wrote a summary (that I need to publish). Got our existing node.js Android code running again and got PouchDB's perf tests running in it. Took a first shot at getting PouchDB's perf tests running in JXCore's node.js solution but got blocked, following up with JXCore.
  *   Monday - The first 1/2 a day disappeared into calls. Reviewed Jukka's articles for the Thali blog. Updated the coinflipping article<http://www.goland.org/coinflippingforthali/> for Thali to talk about name leakage attacks and using values other than numbers. Had to do a little research to respond to a mail from a VP.
  *   Tuesday - Call with our customer. Emails. Call with an internal rep for another potential customer. Spent a good chunk of the day reviewing JXCore's source code.
  *   Wednesday - Spent the first part of the day on phone calls and email. Finished my code analysis of JXCore's code and wrote up a summary I need to publish. Spent the rest of the day remember how to get our existing node.js on Android infrastructure running and started to work on figuring out how to get the PouchDB perf tests running in our node.js on Android code.
  *   Thursday - Customer call and team meeting and then call with team members and email. I finally got all our existing node.js on Android code working and managed to remember how to set up a new service so I could use that for testing.
  *   Friday - The usual mess of calls and emails. The rest of the day was spent getting the PouchDB performance tests running in our existing node.js Android solution. This mostly involved figuring out how to run the pouchDB tests without a command line. I also found a minor bug<https://github.com/pouchdb/pouchdb/issues/3636> in the PouchDB performance tests. But I got everything working! So next I started working on trying to run the same perf tests using JXCore on Android. Unfortunately I ended up wasting the rest of the day on what turned out to be a bug<https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/IDEA-137669> in the EAP release of IntelliJ I was using.
  *   Sunday - After wasting 25 minutes trying to install updates to my machine I went back to hacking the PouchDB perf tests into JXCore. I ran into a whole slew of bugs that I filed (see 234<https://github.com/jxcore/jxcore/issues/234>, 235<https://github.com/jxcore/jxcore/issues/235>, 236<https://github.com/jxcore/jxcore/issues/236>, 237<https://github.com/jxcore/jxcore/issues/237> and 238<https://github.com/jxcore/jxcore/issues/238>) but they were really minor. The big issue is that JXCore is trying to run node.js out of the asset folder and that is so slow it breaks everything.

Next Week:

  *   Finish JXCore testing
  *   Get through a backlog of small items that have been waiting for me to finish JXCore testing
  *   Start coding again!

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