[Thali-talk] Yaron's Weekly Update - 5/11/2015

Yaron Goland yarong at microsoft.com
Mon May 11 13:10:43 EDT 2015

One Week Ago:

  *   TL;DR - Published spec for discovery<http://thaliproject.org/presenceprotocolforopportunisticsynching> and up-to-date reference code<https://github.com/yaronyg/cryptopresencetest>.
  *   Monday - Long mail with Nolan Lawson on Sync. Great chat with Oz. Finished and published first release of crypto discovery reference code!
  *   Tuesday - The first 1/2 of the day was spent on email, talking with our customer and discussing (yuck) process. Had a long chat with Matt. Worked on cleaning up crypto spec.
  *   Wednesday - Spent a good chunk of the day failing to fix the VPN client on my machine. It looks like I'll eventually have to nuke the machine. Spent the rest of the day fighting with BtConApp and Google's WiFiDirect sample.
  *   Thursday - Sent out a sketch of the crypto discovery protocol to the crypto board. And um... yeah... rebooted phones... Wi-Fi Direct now works. [☹]  Wrote up a deck for a presentation I'm giving next week on Thali.
  *   Friday - Spent two hours on stand up, talking to Oz, talking to Bryan and talking to Sreejumon. Fixed a minor bug in PouchDB's build on Windows.  Wasted an hour debugging because I wrote 'ke' instead of 'kx'. [☹]  But finally got discovery spec in good shape and updated the code to the latest changes and published!

Next Week:

  *   Work on figuring out how we can handle providing an eventually consistent framework for acls, quotas and notifications.

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