[TheClimate.Vote] Dec 6, 2106 - Daily Global Warming News for voters, candidates and officials

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Tue Dec 6 08:21:23 EST 2016

/Forward this email to voters and candidates and stay well-informed 
about global warming -  December 6, 2016/

*The Dakota Access Pipeline isn’t just about the environment. It’s about 

    Washington Post     - ‎2 hours ago‎
    Activists fighting to stop the Dakota Access Pipeline in North
    Dakota welcomed new developments after the Army said Sunday that it
    will not approve an easement.

*Every Insane Thing Donald Trump Has Said About /Global Warming/ 

    Mother Jones-6 hours ago
    Donald Trump has a lot of things to say about /global warming/. He's
    called it an urgent problem, and he's called it a hoax. He's claimed
    it's a ...

Science--  Japan Is Obsessed With*Climate Change*. Young People Don't 
Get It. 
New York Times 	 -‎12 hours ago‎ 	


    All of the government ministry offices are supposed to go dark for
    an hour in the middle of each day to save energy and
    reduce*greenhouse gas*emissions. Satoru Morishita, deputy director
    general of ... is real, or if it is, how to deal with it. The*..*

    *Climate change*could quadruple severe rainstorms in just decades

Popular Science 	 -‎1 hour ago‎ 	


    In a paper published today in Nature*Climate Change*, researchers
    used*climate*data from 2000 to 2013 to predict that certain regions
    of the United States will see four times as many extreme rainstorms
    by the end of this century, and that rainstorms*...*

    Let's Revisit*Climate Change *and Wildfires in the West

Mother Jones 	 -‎41 minutes ago‎ 	


The #1 most popular article at the Wall Street Journal right now is "My 
Unhappy Life as a*Climate*Heretic," by Roger Pielke Jr.

    Why we're all everyday*climate change*deniers

The Guardian 	 -‎1 hour ago‎ 	


    Alice Bell...Global warming is scary and abstract. No wonder we
    struggle to face up to it – and let politicians and industry off the
    ...You probably agree*climate change*is happening, have maybe even
    bothered to cut down on how much meat you eat or bunged Greenpeace a
    quid or two when Russia locked up those Arctic activists....But it’s
    this rather prosaic climate denial that lets the Trumps of the world
    get away with their more extreme forms. It also lets less extreme
    politicians and businesses off the hook, helping keep climate change
    as a low-priority topic. At best it puts the issue to one side, and
    allows us to imagine that Chinese solar businesses, Elon Musk,
    Ivanka Trump or some other ethereal hero will save us. At worst, it
    skips the issue entirely....
    Not everyone has the luxury of ignoring climate change. People are
    already feeling it as droughts, wildfires and floods become more
    common. As temperatures creep ever higher, it’ll hit more and more
    of us, more and more obviously. Knock-on effects mean that, along
    with battling fire, water and mud, food will become more scarce. If
    you don’t spot climate change in the rising tides, you may well feel
    it in your stomach. This is already happening. Arguably, the way
    climate change affected crops was a contributing factor in the Arab
    ....A few years ago I saw a climate scientist glumly sitting on a
    table in a seminar room, swinging his legs, quietly sketching out
    the vision of the future that kept him awake at night. His picture
    wasn’t an all-out dystopia where we’ve destroyed humanity. What
    scared him was a future where we do take action on climate change,
    but only some. A few rich people live in a comfortable bubble
    they’ve managed to insulate themselves in, and everyone else is left
    to battle the storms. Perhaps those lucky few notice the plight of
    the people they’ve left behind. Or perhaps they insulate themselves
    from that too....
    ...That future is possible. It might even be probable. But it’s not
    inevitable. We can choose to see climate change, and we can choose
    to do this before it’s too late. So how can we escape the quagmire
    of denial? As it turns out, the first step isn’t that hard: just
    talk about it. To your friends, family, colleagues – even to
    yourself. By talking about climate change, you’ll make it feel less
    scary. By talking about it, we’ll unlock solutions. And, crucially,
    it’s by talking about climate change that we’ll break the silence
    that allows it to go unnoticed and ignored.

*During last warming period, Antarctica heated up two to three times 
more than planet average* 

    Following Earth's last ice age, which peaked 20,000 years ago, the
    Antarctic warmed between two and three times the average temperature
    increase worldwide, according to a new study by a team of American
    The disparity - Antarctica warmed about 11 degrees Celsius, nearly
    20 degrees Fahrenheit, between about 20,000 and 10,000 years ago,
    while the average temperature worldwide rose only about 4 degrees
    Celsius, or 7 degrees Fahrenheit—highlights the fact that the poles,
    both the Arctic in the north and the Antarctic in the south, amplify
    the effects of a changing climate, whether it gets warmer or cooler.
    The calculations are in line with estimates from most climate
    models, proving that these models do a good job of estimating past
    climatic conditions and, very likely, future conditions in an era of
    climate change and global warming..   Read more at:

    Potential Trump Press Secretary Calls*Climate Change* A "Wealth
    Redistribution Scheme" To "Turn The Earth Into God"

Media Matters for America 	 -‎3 hours ago‎ 	


    SEAN HANNITY (HOST): The left and the liberal mainstream media,
    they're having a melt down over what they call a rise in fake news
    across the country, but they've turned a very blind eye to real fake
    news like*global warming*propaganda being pushed by ...

    As*Global Warming*Gets Worse, Can The Soil Release As Much Carbon As
    The Entire US?

iTech Post 	 -‎1 hour ago‎ 	


    For decades, scientists have speculated that rising global
    temperatures might alter the ability of soils to store carbon,
    potentially releasing huge amounts of carbon into the atmosphere and
    triggering runaway*climate change*. Considering that the Paris*..*

*This Day in Climate History  December 6, 1988 
from D.R. Tucker *

    *December 6, 1988*: The World Meteorological Organization and the
    United Nations Environmental Program establish the Intergovernmental
    Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).

    *December 6, 2005:* At the American Geophysical Union meeting in
    California, James Hansen delivers a speech entitled: "Is There Still
    Time to Avoid ‘Dangerous Anthropogenic Interference’ with Global
    Climate?" http://www.columbia.edu/~jeh1/2005/Keeling_20051206.pdf

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