[TheClimate.Vote] Dec 7, 2016 - Daily Global Warming News for voters, candidates and officials

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/Forward this email to voters and candidates and stay well-informed 
about global warming - December 7, 2016 /

*(video) Weather Channel Destroys Breitbart Over BS Climate Change Story 

    "Here's the thing: Science doesn't care about your opinion."...A
    week after Breitbart News published a wildly inaccurate article
    chalking climate change up as a hoax, The Weather Channel decided to
    teach the hyper-conservative news outlet a thing or two about
    scientific fact....In a post to its website, TWC called the
    Breitbart piece, which relied heavily on a story published in the
    Daily Mail, "a prime example of cherry picking, or pulling a single
    item out of context to build a misleading case."
    2 min video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UhdymoRTz6M
    Along with its video, TWC’spublished a lengthy retort to each of the
    article's three main claims
    as well as a final message for its "friends" at Breitbart.
    "The next time you write a climate change article and need fact
    checking help, please call. We're here for you," it wrote. "I'm sure
    we both agree this topic is too important to get wrong."

*(videos) CBS News: What Happened to Arctic Sea Ice? 

     From Peter Sinclair:  "A few hundred more like this could begin to
    make up American’s info deficit on the issue."
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T7bdnh-JLuY News report 1 minute
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9YcgtH15tjw 6 minutes  In 2016,
    Arctic Sea Ice shrunk to the second lowest minimum ever observed by
    humans. Scientists from NASA, NOAA, The British Antarctic Survey,
    and major universities weigh in on what the science says, how the
    ice keeps delivering surprises, and what it means to us in the
    temperate zones.

    (videos) Noam Chomsky: Climate Change and Nuclear War, Most
    Dangerous Threats to the Human Species

EcoWatch 	 -‎9 hours ago‎ 	


    Among those who addressed more than 2,000 attendants was
    world-renowned linguistic Noam Chomsky. Chomsky spoke about the two
    most dangerous threats the human species faces today: the
    possibility of nuclear war and the accelerating destruction of
    human-fueled climate change. Chomsky also addressed the dangers of
    Donald Trump's climate change denialism—and what it means for the
    future of the human species ....
    2 video clips published Dec 6th 2016:
    Noam Chomsky: Trump's Climate Change Denialism Will Accelerate
    Global Race to Destruction
     From Climate Change to Nuclear War, Noam Chomsky Warns of Literal
    Threats to Our Survival
    To access the transcripts: look  below the video title bar and click
    " ***More " then, select  "transcript"

    More terrifying than Trump? The booming conspiracy culture
    of*climate science *denial

The Guardian 	 -‎16 hours ago‎ 	


    *Climate change*is an issue he covers regularly on his shows, where
    he has interviewed*climate science*deniers such as Christopher
    Monckton (a familiar name to Australians given his multiple speaking
    tours here), Marc Morano and James Delingpole.....
    One example. The most popular climate change story across social
    media in the past six months was not some diligently researched
    piece from one of the many very good science journalists writing for
    major news organisations around the world...
    Rather, the story claimed that thousands of scientists had come
    forward to declare that climate change was a hoax. The writer was a
    guy running a website in Los Angeles who worked for eight years for
    the UK conspiracy theorist David Icke....
    Icke thinks the moon might be some sort of spaceship, that the world
    is controlled by a globalist illuminati and, yes, that climate
    change is a hoax. Icke is a regular guest on Infowars...
    Infowars will often source material from Breitbart – the website
    that used to be run by Trump’s campaign chairman and soon-to-be
    chief strategist, Steve Bannon.
    Many of Breitbart’s most popular climate change items are written by
    Delingpole, a British polemicist...
    Breitbart is also building its audience. According to data from
    SimilarWeb, the site now gets 168m page views per month, doubling
    its reach in the past six months....The Drudge Report – the wildly
    popular conservative-leaning news aggregator site with 1.7bn page
    views a month – also helps drive traffic to sites such as Infowars
    and Breitbart. Its founder, Matt Drudge, was another recent guest of

*Climate Deniers’ Top 3 Tactics - (Tamino) 

    But man-made climate change is real, the danger is extreme, so they
    have to use guile to persuade you otherwise. There are three
    tried-and-false tactics they use often, and to great effect. Let’s
    take a close look at these misdirection methods, so you can arm
    yourself for defense against the dark arts.
    Climate deniers use these tactics because they work. When they
    suggest that the temperature data are a fraud, it raises your
    suspicions. When they point out a "sudden drop" in temperature data
    while concealing the trend, it can be persuasive. When you hear that
    Arctic sea ice is no more extensive than it was on this date 24
    years ago, it sounds convincing. When you see temperature data on a
    graph starting in 1997-1998, it looks convincing...
    ...Even the best of us, even the smartest of us, are all too easily
    fooled by misdirection (stage magicians can use that fact to make a
    very good living). There’s no shame in being fooled by a charlatan,
    we’ve all been taken in at one time or another. My hope is that now
    that you’ve seen some of their tricks, when you run into them the
    next time you’ll recognize them for what they are: tricks.
    Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice …

    A*Climate*Denier is Leading the NASA Transition

    *Climate Central* 	* -**‎2 hours ago‎* 	
    * 	*
    * 	*
    * 	*

    *NASA's satellites,****climate****modeling and other earth-based
    science research are crucial to understanding the threats****climate
    change****poses from****sea level rise****to more extreme
    precipitation. Losing any of the agency's earth monitoring abilities
    would be a****...
    **Andrew Rosenberg, the director of the Center for Science and
    Democracy at the Union of Concerned Scientists, said having someone
    like Shank manage the transition at NASA is essentially having
    someone "who views things like oversight of science in a way that if
    you don’t like the answer, you attack the science. They’re trying to
    politicize science as much as they possibly can. It worries me that
    somebody like that can be leading a transition team."

        The Weather Channel just rained on the 'Breitbart'climate change
        denial parade

    Mic 	 -‎1 hour ago‎ 	


    The Weather Channel brought the heat Tuesday afternoon when it
    addressed a Nov. 30 article posted by far-right-wing news site
    Breitbart, which used a video from its site to stoke*climate
    change*conspiracy theories. In the story, columnist James*...*

    Dems Plan to Grill Tillerson on Exxon's*Climate*Fraud

Common Dreams (press release) 	 -‎2 hours ago‎ 	


    Covering up*climate science*and deceiving investors qualifies you
    for federal investigation, not federal office. An oil baron as
    Secretary of State would do enormous damage.

New Video: The Perfect Tide – Sea Level and the Future of South Florida 

    Peter Sinclair - I spent mid-October in the Miami Beach, Florida
    area, with Rolling Stone writer Jeff Goodell....
    ...Jeff has been working on the climate and sea level rise story for
    quite a few years, and we originally met when Jeff came along with
    the first Dark Snow Project field trip in 2013. Since then I’ve
    followed and occasionally chatted with Jeff, especially about
    developments in South Florida, one of the most vulnerable and
    threatened regions of the planet.....
    While working on this piece, I’ve shown raw footage to friends,
    including journalists and regular folks – and the universal reaction
    is, "Why isn’t this being reported?"   Well, that’s starting to happen.
    Florida future is now, and it is going to make life in the climate
    denial/Fake News business a little harder.
    (video) Independent videographer Peter Sinclair followed Jeff on a
    tour of America's most vulnerable metropolis.

*Standing Rock Sioux Tribe’s Statement on U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 
Decision to Not Grant Easement 

    Treaties are paramount law and must be respected, and we welcome
    dialogue on how to continue to honor that moving forward. We are not
    opposed to energy independence, economic development, or national
    security concerns but we must ensure that these decisions are made
    with the considerations of our Indigenous peoples....
    To our local law enforcement, I hope that we can work together to
    heal our relationship as we all work to protect the lives and safety
    of our people. I recognize the extreme stress that the situation
    caused and look forward to a future that reflects more mutual
    understanding and respect....
    Again, we are deeply appreciative that the Obama Administration took
    the time and effort to genuinely consider the broad spectrum of
    tribal concerns. In a system that has continuously been stacked
    against us from every angle, it took tremendous courage to take a
    new approach to our nation-to-nation relationship, and we will be
    forever grateful.

*Fake news tries to blame human-caused global warming on El Niño 

    Human carbon pollution is heating the Earth incredibly fast. On top
    of that long-term human-caused global warming trend, there are
    fluctuations caused by various natural factors. One of these is the
    El Niño/La Niña cycle. The combination of human-caused warming and a
    strong El Niño event are on the verge of causing an unprecedented
    three consecutive record-breaking hot years. ...
    ...Simply put, without global warming we would not be seeing
    record-breaking heat year after year. In fact, 2014 broke the
    temperature record without an El Niño assist, and then El Niño
    helped push 2015 over 2014, and 2016 over 2015.
    ...Sadly, we live in a post-truth world dominated by fake news in
    which people increasingly seek information that confirms their
    ideological beliefs, rather than information that’s factually
    accurate from reliable sources. Because people have become
    incredibly polarized on the subject of climate change, those with a
    conservative worldview who prefer maintaining the status quo to the
    steps we need to take to prevent a climate catastrophe often seek
    out climate science-denying stories...
    ....Into that environment step conservative columnists David Rose at
    the Mail on Sunday, parroted by Ross Clark in The Spectator and
    James Delingpole for Breitbart, all trying to blame the current
    record-shattering hot global temperatures entirely on El Niño.
    Perhaps saddest of all, the House Science, Space, and Technology
    Committee tweeted the Breitbart piece, to which Senator Bernie
    Sanders appropriately responded: " Where'd you get your PhD? Trump

Rainfall patterns shift with increasing /global warming/ 

    Met Office (press release)-1 hour ago
    A scientific study looking at how rainfall patterns across the world
    might respond to rising average global surface temperature has
    revealed an interesting result: regional rainfall patterns won’t
    change by the same amount per degree of global warming...
    ...it is essential to understand the relationship between rising
    temperatures and rainfall patterns. The traditional logic is that
    each degree of planetary warming produces about the same level of
    regional change...
    "However, our paper challenges current thinking. Our team shows that
    the regional rainfall impacts between 2° C and 4° C could be
    somewhat different than the regional impacts between 0° C and 2° C
    for some regions."..
    ..The paper also reveals an interesting second result. It suggests
    that regardless of the speed at which we might approach 2° C global
    warming, the rainfall changes would be broadly similar – for example
    if we were to reach that level quickly via high emissions, or more
    slowly using mitigation measures....
    ...The paper – /Large differences in regional precipitation change
    between a first and second 2K of global warming/ - has been written
    by a team of researchers from: the Met Office; NCAS-Climate
    <https://www.ncas.ac.uk/index.php/en/climate-home-page>, at the
    University of Reading; and the Los Alamos National Laboratory
    <http://www.lanl.gov/>, in New Mexico.   The paper is published in
    Nature Communications <http://www.nature.com/ncomms/>.

Water Protectors Prevail, and Prepare: The Climate Minute Podcast 

    As the clock ticked toward zero, the Obama administration denied a
    corporate request for an easement to complete the Dakota Access
    Pipeline. This has effectively stopped the billion dollar project,
    and given a huge boost to the Native American "Water Protectors."
    What happens next? What will the coming Trumpian mis-administration
    do? We

*This Day in Climate History  December 7, 2009 
from D.R. Tucker

    **December 7, 2009: The EPA formally declares that greenhouse gases
    threaten public health.

              ========================  #### ===========================

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