[TheClimate.Vote] Dec. 13, 2016 - Daily Global Warming News for voters, candidates and officials

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    Trump's transition: sceptics guide every agency dealing with*climate

The Guardian 	 -‎7 hours ago‎ 	


    Oklahoma attorney general Scott Pruitt, Trump's nominee for head of
    the Environmental Protection Agency, has claimed scientists disagree
    about the causes of*global warming*. Photograph: Nick Oxford/Reuters
    ... or dealing with*climate change*. None of*...*

*(Audio) President-Elect Trump And The Environment  (WBUR discussion) 

    The president-elect and the environment.  His pick to run the EPA is
    a close ally of fossil fuel companies and questions climate change? 
    What can we expect?..
    Word over the weekend that the front-runner for Secretary of State
    under Donald Trump is CEO of the world’s biggest oil company,
    Exxon-Mobil. Climate change denier and top foe of EPA policy, Scott
    Pruitt, is up to head the EPA. And pro-drilling Congresswoman Cathy
    McMorris Rodgers for Secretary of Interior. Climate scientists say
    we are at a tipping point – cut back fossil fuel use or pay a brutal
    price. Trump says pedal to the metal. This hour On Point: The
    incoming Trump administration and the environment. — Tom Ashbrook
    --*Emily Holden, reporter for E & E News' ClimateWire and Power Plan
    Hub.* E & E is a trade journal that covers environmental and energy
    policy and markets. (@emilyhholden)...
    -- *Bill McKibben, author, environmentalist and founder of 350.or*g.
    Distinguished scholar at Middleburry College. Author of "The End of
    Nature" and "Oil and Honey." (@billmckibben)..
    -- *Amb. C. Boyden Gray, founding partner of Boyden Gray &
    Associates*, a law and strategy firm. Former U.S. Ambassador to the
    European Union and former counsel to the Presidential Task Force on
    Regulatory Relief...

Vatican updates guidelines for educating priests  Catholic News Service 

    Trump Taps*Climate Change*Denier For Secretary of Interior

Scientific American 	 -‎4 hours ago‎ 	


    Cathy McMorris Rodgers, a sixth-term Republican from Washington
    State who is a*climate change*denier and an ardent opponent of
    regulations for*greenhouse gas*emissions, has been nominated by
    President-elect Donald Trump for Secretary of Interior*..*

    For China, climate change is no hoax – it’s a business and political

Salon 	 -‎5 hours ago‎ 	


    In mid-November, while Americans were preoccupied with election
    returns, China sent some of its clearest signals yet that it will
    continue to pursue an .
    .... President-elect Trump’s pledges to "cancel" the Paris Agreement
    and dismantle President Obama’s carbon mitigation initiatives follow
    standard economic logic. If the United States backs out of
    commitments to reduce national emissions, it still benefits from
    other countries’ efforts....
    ...Why, then, is China is pressing ahead with low-carbon
    initiatives? My research suggests several motives. Chinese leaders
    want to improve the quality of life in their nation’s cities by
    reducing air pollution; win large shares of promising export markets
    for green technologies; and increase China’s "soft power" in
    international relations. Taking aggressive action to cut carbon
    emissions helps China in all three areas...
    There is a key synergy between electric vehicles and green power
    generation. As studies have shown, driving an electric vehicle that
    runs on electricity generated from coal can produce more greenhouse
    gas emissions than operating a conventional gasoline vehicle. If
    Chinese exports of electric vehicles and renewable generating
    technologies lead to their joint adoption by suburbanites,
    greenhouse gas emissions from both transportation and power
    generation will fall.

    Impact of Antarctic Ice Sheet On*Climate Change*

Science Daily 	 -‎1 hour ago‎ 	


    An international team of researchers has concluded that the
    Antarctic Ice Sheet actually plays a major role in regional and
    global*climate*variability -- a discovery that may also help explain
    why sea ice in the Southern Hemisphere has been increasingdespite
    the warming of the rest of the Earth...
    The research team's hypothesis was that climate modelers were
    overlooking one crucial element in the overall climate system -- an
    aspect of the ocean, atmosphere, biosphere or ice sheets -- that
    might affect all parts of the system...
    "One thing we determined right off the bat was that virtually all of
    the climate models had the Antarctic Ice Sheet as a constant
    entity," Bakker said. "It was a static blob of ice, just sitting
    there. What we discovered, however, is that the ice sheet has
    undergone numerous pulses of variability that have had a cascading
    effect on the entire climate system."...
    The Antarctic Ice Sheet, in fact, has demonstrated dynamic behavior
    over the past 8,000 years, according to Andreas Schmittner, a
    climate scientist in Oregon State's College of Earth, Ocean, and
    Atmospheric Sciences and co-author on the study...
    "There is a natural variability in the deeper part of the ocean
    adjacent to the Antarctic Ice Sheet -- similar to the Pacific
    Decadal Oscillation, or El Niño/La Niña but on a time scale of
    centuries -- that causes small but significant changes in
    temperatures," Schmittner said. "When the ocean temperatures warm,
    it causes more direct melting of the ice sheet below the surface,
    and it increases the number of icebergs that calve off the ice sheet."

    Shrinking mountain glaciers are 'categorical evidence' of*climate
    change*, scientists say

Washington Post 	 -‎2 hours ago‎ 	


     From the rapidly melting Greenland ice sheet to increasing
    instability of West Antarctica, the world's glaciers have become the
    dramatic face of*climate change*. But while ice loss at the poles
    often garners the most attention (thanks to its hefty*...*

    Trump claims "nobody really knows" what*climate*scientists
    definitely know

Ars Technica 	 -‎1 hour ago‎ 	


    Wallace noted that Trump told the New York Times staff during a
    recent sit-down that he was "open-minded" about*climate
    change*(despite a history of statements to the contrary) and asked,
    "So, where are you on the environment?" Trump answered, "I'm*...*

    *Climate*: Wet regions getting wetter, dry regions getting drier

UPI.com 	 -‎3 hours ago‎ 	


    12 (UPI) -- New research confirms the influence of*global warming*on
    global precipitation. As temperatures rise, wet regions get wetter
    and dry regions get drier.

    Will Trump Scrap NASA's Climate Research Mission? - ProPublica

ProPublica 	 -‎5 hours ago‎ 	


    NASA does more than explore other planets; it studies our own.
    Agency scientists worry Donald Trump will abort the work.

*Investment Funds Worth Trillions Are Dropping Fossil Fuel Stocks 

    Commitments doubled over the past 15 months; global call for a clean
    energy economy continues to strengthen as a former top Mobil Oil
    executive and thousands of signatories join the DivestInvest movement...
    NEW YORK/LONDON, December 12, 2016 — The scope of global fossil fuel
    divestment has doubled over the past 15 months, with institutions
    and individuals controlling $5.197 trillion in assets pledging to
    divest. The announcement comes on the first anniversary of the Paris
    Agreement on climate change...
    "One year after the adoption of the historic Paris Climate
    Agreement, it’s clear the transition to a clean energy future is
    inevitable, beneficial and well underway, and that investors have a
    key role to play," said UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon. "I commend
    today’s announcement that a growing number of investors are backing
    a shift away from the most carbon intensive energy sources and into
    safe, sustainable energy. Investments in clean energy are the right
    thing to do — and the smart way to build prosperity for all, while
    protecting our planet and ensuring no one is left behind."..
    According to a new analysis released today by Arabella Advisors, 688
    institutions and 58,399 individuals across 76 countries have
    committed to divest from fossil fuels...

American Museum of Natural History slashes fossil fuel holdings as 
global divestment commitments hit $5 trillion in assets 

    New York, NY -- The American Museum of Natural History has responded
    to a campaign driven by scientists, museum colleagues, and allies by
    communicating it has reduced fossil fuel exposure to its $650
    million endowment. As the country’s oldest, largest and one of the
    most popular museums with approximately five million visitors each
    year, this will reverberate across the sector and around the world.
    In March 2015, more than 150 of the world’s top scientists sent an
    unprecedented letter calling on museums of science and natural
    history to cut ties with fossil fuel interests. Since then, at least
    seven museums have responded by divesting from fossil fuels,
    dropping oil, gas or coal companies as sponsors, or implementing new
    funding policies.

    California's*climate*fight could be painful — especially on job and
    income growth

Los Angeles Times 	 -‎Dec 11, 2016‎ 	


    Californians are likely to pay more for gasoline, electricity, food
    and new homes - and to feel their lives jolted in myriad other ways
    - because their state broadly expanded its war on*climate
    change*this summer. The ambitious new goals will require*.


    Catholic Priests To Study*Climate Change*As Part Of Theological

Daily Caller 	 -‎5 hours ago‎ 	


    The church officially accepts*climate change*and commissioned a
    study by the Vatican's own Pontifical Academy of Sciences that
    stated: “We call on all people and nations to recognize the serious
    and potentially irreversible impacts of*global warming**...*

*This Day in Climate History  December 13, 1988 
<http://www.highbeam.com/doc/1P2-8092216.html>- from D.R. Tucker
**December 13, 1988: The Boston Globe runs a front-page story entitled, 

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