[TheClimate.Vote] Dec. 14, 2016 - Daily Global Warming News for voters, candidates and officials

Richard Pauli richard at TheClimate.Vote
Wed Dec 14 10:51:38 EST 2016

/Forward this email to voters and candidates and stay well-informed 
about global warming - December 14, 2016

    Scientists are frantically copying US*climate*data, fearing it might
    vanish under Trump

Washington Post 	 -‎13 hours ago‎ 	


    Alarmed that decades of crucial*climate*measurements could vanish
    under a hostile Trump administration, scientists have begun a
    feverish attempt to copy reams of government data onto independent
    servers in hopes of safeguarding it from any political*...

    **Scientists, You're Our Only Hope:* In the face of the DOE
    questionnaire, multiple climate denier cabinet nominees, and hints
    that Trump plans to cut NASA earth sciences programs, scientists
    with access to decades of government data on climate are taking
    steps to protect it. The Washington Post reported Tuesday that the
    scientific community is working furiously to archive federal data on
    independent servers to preserve it from possibly being tampered with
    by a science-hostile Trump administration. Meanwhile, dozens of
    prominent scientists and activists rallied outside of the American
    Geophysical Union conference in San Francisco Tuesday, vowing to
    "stand up for science" over the next four years. In her keynote
    address at AGU today, DOI Secretary Sally Jewell will tell
    scientists “if you see science being ignored or compromised, speak
    up,” Reuters reports
    <http://climatenexus.us4.list-manage.com/track/click?u=d1f5797e59060083034310930&id=3eac41efd1&e=95b355344d>. (Science:
    Washington Post
    $, Politico
    The Verge
    Rally: AP
    Live Science
    Commentary: Washington Post, Eric Holthaus op-ed

    Department Of Energy Defies Trump, Won't Name*Climate Change*Workers

NPR 	 -‎8 hours ago‎ 	


    The Department of Energy is refusing the Trump transition team's
    request to name those who have worked on*climate change*within the
    department, because of concerns about what the incoming
    administration will do with the names. President-elect Donald ...


    2016 Arctic Report Card Paints Dire Portrait Of*Climate

Huffington Post 	 -‎5 hours ago‎ 	


    It's going to get worse before it gets better. And unless the world
    takes action, it may never get better. That's one extremely
    depressing takeaway from the 2016 Arctic Report Card, presented by a
    panel of researchers Tuesday at the American*..*

    Evangelicals are more skeptical of evolution than of*climate
    change*Rice University

EurekAlert (press release) 	 -‎15 hours ago‎ 	


    Using national survey data, Rice sociologist Elaine Howard Ecklund
    examined the link between evolution skepticism
    and*climate-change*skepticism while considering religion's
    association with both. The study included 9,636 people in the
    general U.S. ..

    Climate change brewing more extreme weather, shifting breaking ...

Ars Technica 	 -‎16 hours ago‎ 	


    Simulation, observations show how extreme precipitation is affected
    by climate...

    *Climate change*driving population shifts to urban areas

Phys.Org 	 -‎4 hours ago‎ 	


    Brian Thiede, assistant professor of rural sociology, along with
    researchers from the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill and
    the International Food Policy Research Institute, examined the
    effects of*climate change*on human migration in South*..*

    These are the*climate*myths guiding Trump's EPA team

Washington Post 	 -‎19 hours ago‎ 	


    Also last week, Trump added five new names to his EPA “landing
    team,” including some individuals who have either expressed doubt
    about human-caused*climate change*or worked to combat regulations
    that would address it. The transition team...All together, the
    growing team presents a strong indication that the climate efforts
    accomplished or begun in the past decade will be dismantled by the
    incoming administration — or at least, it will try.

    Ties to Putin Are Nothing Compared to Rex Tillerson's

Common Dreams (press release) 	 -‎14 hours ago‎ 	


    In a scene straight from a "dystopian movie script," President-elect
    Donald Trump on Tuesday officially tapped Exxon Mobil CEO Rex
    Tillerson to be his Secretary of State, thus elevating someone whose
    "lifelong mission is to crash the*climate*" to one of...

*This Day in Climate History  December 14, 2009 
<http://youtu.be/PXoB3xCSgi8>- from D.R. Tucker

        **December 14, 2009: In what has to be considered a modern media
        miracle, Frank Luntz--the author of an infamous 1990s memo
        encouraging Republicans to place rhetorical emphasis on alleged
        uncertainties in climate science--appears on the Fox News
        Channel and declares that according to his own polling,
        Americans want action on climate change. http://youtu.be/PXoB3xCSgi8

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