[TheClimate.Vote] Dec, 28, 2016 - Daily Global Warming News for voters, candidates and officials

Richard Pauli richard at theclimate.vote
Wed Dec 28 11:11:46 EST 2016

/"The most important issue of all time" -/ /Stay well-informed about 
global warming, //Forward this email. December 28, 2016/

    Facts matter, and on*climate change*, Trump's picks get them wrong

The Guardian 	 -‎4 hours ago‎ 	




    It's ironic that Secretary of State nominee Rex Tillerson - CEO of
    ExxonMobil - has the most sophisticated position on*climate
    change*among Trump's key nominees. Tillerson accepts that humans are
    causing*global warming*, but he denies that it's a problem....
    Climate denial often pinballs between five different stages, but the
    cleverer denialist arguments tend to land on Stage 3: denial that
    climate change is a problem.
    It’s ironic that Secretary of State nominee Rex Tillerson – CEO of
    ExxonMobil – has the most sophisticated position on climate change
    among Trump’s key nominees. Tillerson accepts that humans are
    causing global warming, but he denies that it’s a problem. His key
    argument focuses on sowing doubt about the accuracy of climate models.
    The 5 stages of climate denial are on display ahead of the IPCC
    Stage 1: Deny the Problem Exists
    Stage 2: Deny We're the Cause   Stage 2b: Consensus Denial
    Stage 3: Deny It's a Problem
    Stage 4: Deny We can Solve It
    Stage 5: It's too Late
    The President-elect’s nominees to key positions deny the existence,
    threats, and solutions to human-caused global warming...

    2016 Was a Pivotal Year in the War on Climate Change | WIRED

WIRED 	 -‎3 hours ago‎ 	


    After Trump's election, will other countries toss their
    emissions-cutting commitments, or sanction the US if it reneges on
    the Paris climate agreement?

*Mollusc produces pearl of climate wisdom 

    “The only thing you can do to understand climate in the future is to
    look at climate in the past”
    Scientists in the US believe they have found a new source of hard
    evidence about bygone climates − very hard and very bygone − in the
    nacreous layers in the mollusc mineral known as mother-of-pearl...
    These layers provide a measure of the temperature at which they were
    laid down in the tropical seas, and the technique has been tested in
    a bivalve sample first fossilised 200 million years ago.

Growing tornado impact puzzles scientists 

    19 December, 2016 – The US seems to be experiencing more and worse
    tornado outbreaks – groups of twisters in quick succession. But
    climate change may not be the culprit.

    Are*Climate*Scientists Ready for Trump?

The Atlantic 	 -‎2 hours ago‎ 	


    How the scientific profession chooses to answer them may decide
    whether the United States can summon the political will necessary to
    finally vanquish*climate-change*denialism—or whether it will
    continue to muddle through on the issue, ..
    The meeting revealed a quasi-generational split. Many scientists
    continue to act like aloof and methodical professionals. They want
    to provide sound data and quietly advocate for good policies. When
    the profession is threatened, they will advocate for funding, but
    they will also respond to Trump like academic actuaries, sighing
    deeply and then getting on with their work....
    Another group recognizes that a key fact of modern scientific
    understanding—that the Earth’s climate is warming, thanks to the
    industrial burning of fossil fuels—has unfortunately become a
    central political issue of the era. They see it as their duty to
    correct the record, and they will respond to attacks on scientific
    fact as activists would: by organizing protests, educating the
    public, and shaming their local governments and national
    representatives into action.
    ...If they so chose, climate scientists could become an incredibly
    powerful constituency. The climate-change movement has a
    well-distributed expert network already—if those experts so choose.
    Nothing stops climate scientists from talking to local churches or
    high schools nearby them, from sharing the story of climate science
    in a straightforward and non-condescending way. Nothing stops them
    from organizing protests. Nothing stops them for calling for local
    policies to mitigate catastrophic climate change...
    Many climate scientists want to go about their lives focusing
    intently on their work and getting the research done. It is a
    laudable and pleasant dream. The problem is, climate denialists know
    that, in this fallen world, it really is just a dream—and they will
    exploit it until climate scientists engage.

    Give a Nobel Prize to*Climate Science*. It's Time.

Slate Magazine 	 -‎1 hour ago‎ 	


    *Climate science*in the United States is in an existential crisis.
    President-elect Donald Trump has promised to cut funding for Earth
    science, and the Republican-controlled Senate and House of
    Representatives will probably make good on those promises.

*This Day in Climate History  December 28,2007 
from D.R. Tucker*

    December 28, 2007: In a Washington Post op-ed, Bill McKibben, citing
    a recent speech by NASA scientist James Hansen, states that the
    worldwide CO2 level must remain below 350 parts per million to avoid
    catastrophic global warming. Further, McKibben writes: "Hansen [has]
    called for an immediate ban on new coal-fired power plants that
    don't capture carbon, the phaseout of old coal-fired generators, and
    a tax on carbon high enough to make sure that we leave tar sands and
    oil shale in the ground. To use the medical analogy, we're not
    talking statins to drop your cholesterol; we're talking huge changes
    in every aspect of your daily life."

                     =======================  #### 

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