[TheClimate.Vote] Dec 27, 2016 - Daily Global Warming News for voters, candidates and officials

Richard Pauli richard at theclimate.vote
Tue Dec 27 09:15:10 EST 2016

/"The most important issue of all time" -/ /Stay well-informed about 
global warming, //Forward this email. December 27, 2016/

    Fake news is old news to*climate*scientists

Grist 	 -‎8 hours ago‎ 	


    Bogus*climate*stories also allege that a so-called “pause” in*global
    warming*undermines established*climate science*.
    Although*climate*scientists overwhelmingly agree that temperatures
    are rising and*climate change*is real, there has been debate
    over ....This kind of fake news has set progress back years, if not
    decades, Mann said. It’s a “crime against the planet,” he told
    Grist, and a “crime against humanity.”...
    All the news that’s unfit to print...
    There are many flavors of fake news. Some of these stories push the
    idea that, yes, the climate is changing, but it’s just a natural
    effect of changes in the sun’s activity and humans have nothing to
    do with it. This theory has been a favorite of deniers for three
    decades, and even though it’s been widely discredited, Breitbart
    reported it in again in 2014, under the headline, “Solar Activity
    Could Cause Global Warming, New Paper Says.” Of course, this runs
    contrary to actual science, but Breitbart never lets that stop them....
    Other fake stories claim that carbon dioxide is good because it
    increases plant growth, as the ever-optimistic Breitbart declared
    again last year. But while it’s true that CO2 can be beneficial for
    plants, it doesn’t outweigh the fact that increasing concentrations
    in the atmosphere are toasting our home planet. Good for plants does
    not equal good for people....
    Bogus climate stories also allege that a so-called “pause” in global
    warming undermines established climate science. Although climate
    scientists overwhelmingly agree that temperatures are rising and
    climate change is real, there has been debate over whether the rate
    of temperature increase slowed in the early 2000s — which climate
    deniers refer to as the “pause” or “hiatus.” Fake media outlets have
    seized on this debate and tried to spin it as proof that climate
    change isn’t real: Breitbart even claimed that Mann jumped on the
    pause bandwagon, deserted his scientific colleagues, and decided
    that there’s been no global warming since 1998. This was likely news
    to Mann himself.
      And yet there remains a vocal contingent of ideologues who refuse
    to accept the connection between carbon emissions and a warming
    planet. For example, Donald Trump and a good portion of his proposed
    cabinet. For years, right-wing news organizations like Breitbart,
    Infowars, the Daily Caller, and Climate Depot have fed their denial,
    publishing stories that misinterpret, misrepresent, or distort
    scientific findings — or just outright lie.

    US|California, at Forefront of*Climate*Fight, Won't Back Down to

New York Times 	 -‎5 hours ago‎ 	


    The prospect of California's elevated role on*climate change*is the
    latest sign of how this state, where Hillary Clinton defeated Mr.
    Trump by more than four million votes, is preparing to resist the
    policies of the incoming White House.

Mothers unleash their organizing power on climate 

    She co-founded Climate Parents <http://www.climateparents.org/> with
    author Mark Hertsgaard <https://grist.org/author/mark-hertsgaard/>
    in 2012, and has since built a membership of 50,000 people.
    During that same time, new and emerging groups with names like Moms
    Clean Air Force <http://www.momscleanairforce.org/>, Cool Mom
    <http://coolmom.org/>, Mothers Out Front
    <http://www.mothersoutfront.org/>, and Climate Mama
    <http://www.climatemama.com/> attracted a collective million or so
    other pissed-off parents. Those ranks swell when you factor in
    international allies such as Canadian Parents for Climate Action
    <https://www.facebook.com/canadianparentsforclimateaction/>, the
    multinational Grands-Parents pour le Climat <http://gpclimat.be/>,
    and the deliciously named Parents Roar, based in Sweden.
    “For too long, the climate movement was all environmentalists
    talking to each other, economists talking to each other, and
    scientists talking to each other,” says Dominique Browning, founder
    of Moms Clean Air Force. “There was no easy way to become
    politically active on this issue, but there was a great deal of
    passion [among mothers] for making the world better and safer for
    their children.”
    While it’s hard to claim victory against a looming global
    apocalypse, mother-led climate groups have made tangible gains. Moms
    Clean Air Force, Climate Parents, and Mothers Out Front joined with
    a dozen like-minded groups to form a coalition called Our Kids’
    Climate <http://ourkidsclimate.org/> in advance of the landmark
    Paris climate talks
    <https://grist.org/series/the-paris-climate-talks-yes-oui-can/> last
    year. They participated in press conferences and panels during the
    talks and helped deliver 6.2 million petition signatures to U.N.
    Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon
    demanding bold action.

    New Study 'Sounds Alarm' on Another*Climate*Feedback Loop

Common Dreams (press release) 	 -‎1 hour ago‎ 	


    The loss of Arctic sea ice has already been shown to be part of a
    positive feedback loop driving*climate change*, and a recent study
    published in the journal Nature puts the spotlight on what appears
    to be another of these feedback loops....The study's abstract
    summarizes the findings thusly:
    Despite the considerable uncertainty in our estimates, the direction
    of the global soil carbon response is consistent across all
    scenarios. This provides strong empirical support for the idea that
    rising temperatures will stimulate the net loss of soil carbon to
    the atmosphere, driving a positive land carbon–climate feedback that
    could accelerate climate change.

    'Orwellian': Scott Walker admin. quietly scrubs mentions of
    '*climate*' from '*Climate Change*' website

Raw Story 	 -‎9 hours ago‎ 	


    ... to the Scientific American. Political writer James Rowen
    reported on Monday that the Walker administration had advanced their
    war on science by scrubbing information about*climate change*from a
    Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources website that*...*

    (audio) Isolated Low Temps May Reassure*Climate*Skeptics

Scientific American 	 -‎6 hours ago‎ 	


    ... against*climate change*..  put climate data in terms people
    understand: money. "We should propose a simple bet to climate
    skeptics. And that is: For every new record high temperature at a
    weather station, you pay us a dollar. And for every new record low
    temperature, we'll pay you a dollar.".... Like Oklahoma Senator
    James Inhofe. Remember last year, when he tossed a snowball in
    Congress? "You know what this is?... “He's run casinos. So you can
    kind of think of climate like a climate casino. If you were a casino
    owner and you had a machine that was constantly paying out more
    record high temperatures than more record low temperatures, you
    would look into that machine. Something's wrong with the machine.
    And that's what the climate machine has been doing...

    Ignoring*climate change*just got more expensive

Phys.Org 	 -‎4 hours ago‎ 	


    He published results of an early test-drive of it this week in a
    National Bureau of Economic Research working paper, titled
    "Projections and Uncertainties About*Climate Change*in an Era of
    Minimal*Climate*Policies." Readers of recent headlines might be ...

    States Will Lead on*Climate Change*in the Trump Era

New York Times 	 -‎8 hours ago‎ 	


    It's hard to know how Mr. Trump will change*climate*policy, but it
    is almost certain that he won't advance it. He told The Times last
    month that he has an “open mind” about*climate change*, but has also
    called it a “hoax.” The people he has chosen to*...*

    Undercurrents: Will*Global Warming*Initiatives Freeze Up in Trump

St, Thomas Source 	 -‎45 minutes ago‎ 	


    The purpose is to help the territory to develop policies and
    approaches to deal with the anticipated effects of*climate change*in
    the coming decades. Those are expected to include significant*sea
    level rise*and resulting land erosion, more unstable*...*

This Day in Climate History  December 27, 2008 
<http://www.weeklystandard.com/article/17031>   from D.R. Tucker*

    December 27, 2008: WeeklyStandard.com posts an article from
    self-professed "global warming agnostic" Charles Krauthammer calling
    for a so-called "net zero gas tax." In the article, which is also
    published in the magazine's January 5, 2009 issue, Krauthammer writes:

        "High gas prices, whether achieved by market forces or by
        government imposition, encourage fuel economy. In the short
        term, they simply reduce the amount of driving. In the longer
        term, they lead to the increased (voluntary) shift to more
        fuel-efficient cars. They render redundant and unnecessary the
        absurd CAFE standards--the ever-changing Corporate Average Fuel
        Economy regulations that mandate the fuel efficiency of various
        car and truck fleets--which introduce terrible distortions into
        the market. As the consumer market adjusts itself to more
        fuel-efficient autos, the green car culture of the future that
        environmentalists are attempting to impose by decree begins to
        shape itself unmandated. This shift has the collateral
        environmental effect of reducing pollution and CO2 emissions, an
        important benefit for those who believe in man-made global
        warming and a painless bonus for agnostics (like me) who
        nonetheless believe that the endless pumping of CO2 into the
        atmosphere cannot be a good thing."


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