[TheClimate.Vote] Daily News of Global Warming Issues for voters, candidates and officials July 1, 2016

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    In Hot Water:*Climate Change*is Affecting North American Fish

United States Geological Survey (press release) 	 -‎19 hours ago‎ 	


“Thanks to this synthesis, we can see the effects of*climate change*on 
inland fish are no longer just future speculation, but today's facts, 
with real economic, social, and ecological impacts,” said Doug Austen, 
Executive Director of the American*..*

      Did The/Washington Post Just Violate Its Own Policy On Climate
      Science Denying Letters?/.

Media Matters for America (blog)-21 hours ago
The/Washington Post/published a/letter/to the editor by the Heritage 
Foundation's Hans A. von Spakovsky that appears to directly/violate/the 
newspaper’s policy against publishing letters that deny the scientific 
consensus on human-caused climate change....In the June 29 letter, which 
took issue with a recent Post op-ed by Yale Law School Dean Robert Post, 
von Spakovsky asserted:...    [Robert Post] called global warming 
“perhaps the single most significant threat facing the future of 
humanity.” But human-induced global warming is unproven, not an 
undisputed fact....However, in 2013, the Post’s then-letters editor 
Michael Larabee told Mother Jones that the newspaper has a policy 
against running letters that flatly deny human activities are causing 
climate change. Larabee stated: “It's our policy as well not to run 
letters to the editor that are factually inaccurate, so we wouldn't 
publish a letter that simply says, 'there's no sign humans have caused 
climate change.' … That's a broad absolute that doesn't take into 
account the existence of large amounts of science indicating otherwise." 
... Yet the Post identified von Spakovsky only as a senior legal fellow 
at the Heritage Foundation, neglecting to mention that the Heritage 
Foundation has received almost $800,000 directly from Exxon since 1998.

    More research is needed on how*climate change*affects infectious

Phys.Org 	 -‎4 hours ago‎ 	


The researchers identified three main ways climate change can affect 
disease: by impacting the pathogen, vector or host, and the spread of 
the disease. For example, when a mosquito (the vector) feeds from a 
human (host) who is infected with the Zika virus (the pathogen), the 
mosquito becomes infected and can spread the virus to another human by 
subsequently feeding from them....For the review, the team selected 
scientific literature using three sets of search terms: pathogen, host 
and transmission of infectious diseases; weather- and climate-related 
keywords; and certain disease names. They identified 131 peer-reviewed 
articles and government reports published between 1990 and 2015..."Like 
resources, money, power and rights, climate change is distributed 
unevenly and unequally in this world - and so are its impacts. However, 
it goes beyond political boundaries, and beyond administrative 
boundaries. It calls for our collective efforts and collaborative wisdom 
beyond boundaries to reduce and proactively adapt to its impacts,"    
more at: 

    This Man Says Exxon Has a Constitutional Right to Deny*Climate

Mother Jones 	 -‎1 hour ago‎ 	


Does Exxon Mobil have a constitutional right to sow doubt about*climate 
science*? That's the subject of a ... executives, and activists.

    Did Exxon Lie About*Global Warming*?

RollingStone.com 	 -‎2 hours ago‎ 	


Schneiderman does not have to show that the company injured a specific 
victim or conspired to hide what it knew about*climate science*from the 
public - just that it did not tell its own investors the truth about the 
risks*climate change*poses to its*...*

... evidence of such burnout in a number of magazine articles like those 
by Madeleine Thomas and Faith Kearns, in which climate scientists speak 
out about the distress that they or others have experienced, their 
depression at their findings, and their dismay at the lack of public and 
policy response.

What can’t be transformed will be transmitted 
Climate Psychology Alliance "Facing difficult truths"
Climate Psychology Alliance workshop “The Power of Restorative 
Narratives” Marina Cantecuzino reminded us of the risk of leaving 
suffering unaddressed through a lovely phrase - “what can’t be 
transformed will be transmitted”...  In the difficult times that are 
coming for climate campaigners this should be one of our key tasks: To 
recognise and accept the negative emotions we will encounter and to 
address them with thoughtfulness and compassion. Only then might fear be 
transformed into hope, resentment into generosity and shame into pride.

              ========================  #### 

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