[TheClimate.Vote] Daily News of Global Warming Issues for voters, candidates and officials July 2, 2016

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    Under Pressure, US Bank Strengthens*Climate*Policy

Common Dreams (press release) 	 -‎3 hours ago‎ 	


After several months of community actions led by climate change advocacy 
group MN350 and allies, U.S. Bancorp has issued a new Environmental 
Policy*restricting the bank’s potential investments in coal and taking 
carbon pollution into account in investment decisions*....“To live up to 
their words on*climate change*, U.S. Bank needs to end their financing 
of tar sands oil pipelines that are deadly to Indigenous communities, 
Minnesota's most precious waters, and a safe*climate*.” The most recent 
policy released in June*... contains commitments to reduce lending 
across the U.S. coal sector, including restrictions on new coal mining 
projects, coal-fired power plants and mountaintop removal mining 
practices. It also includes protections for Indigenous communities in 
the energy and mining sectors, and additional measures to screen clients 
in the oil and gas industries.*

*Tracking and predicting - Famine Early Warning Systems Network 
http://www.fews.net/ Ongoing monitoring, analysis and forecasting food 
insecurity, supporting decision makers....in-depth understanding of 
factors that influence food security, such as markets and trade, 
agroclimatology, livelihoods, and nutrition. Insight into how poor 
households earn income, yearly averages for crop production and 
rainfall, and maps of regional trade flows are specific examples of the 
information available in this “knowledge base. video overview 

    Study:*climate change*warming Asian waters, altering monsoon

Phys.Org 	 -‎26 minutes ago‎ 	


A new study released Friday in the journal Science Advances helps clear 
up a bit of the mystery, by showing that man-made*climate change*is 
responsible for most of the change seen in ocean surface temperatures 
near the equator across Asia, which in*...*

    Claim that jet stream crossing equator is '*climate*emergency' is
    utter nonsense**

Washington Post 	 -‎22 hours ago‎ 	


Two bloggers have made a stunning claim that has spread like*wildfire*on 
the Internet: They say the Northern Hemisphere jet stream, the 
high-altitude river of winds that separates cold air from warm air, has 
done something new and outrageous*...*******[** This controversial 
article may have a point, but it quotes 3 of the more questionable 
scientists - where 97% of climate scientists will confirm global warming 
- this article used extensive quotes from Roy Spencer a meteorologist, 
considered to be among the 3% who oppose that finding.**  Spencer is 
listed in the DeSmogBlog database of deniers 

    We Successfully Reduced The Ozone Hole**, Is*Climate Change*Next?

Forbes 	 -‎15 hours ago‎ 	


A new study published today in the journal Science today discusses “the 
first fingerprints” of healing of the Antarctic ozone layer that 
protects life on Earth from dangerous ultraviolet radiation from the 
sun.*[** Note - this is stratospheric ozone - up high,  the bad ozone is 
down low, close to the surface and comes from automobile exhaust  - 
slowly the low ozone permeates upward - so the healing of the ozone hole 
may come from lower climate pollution -- without the intention.  Further 
research needed.**]*

    China's Horrible*Air Pollution*Can Take More Than Two Years Off Your
    Life, Report Says

NextShark 	 -‎17 hours ago‎ 	


...*air pollution*from responsible sources will be limited. “The 
government has promised several trillion to clean up the air - policy 
makers need to make sure taxpayers' money is spent effectively,” said 
Zou Ji, one of China's officials for*climate**...*

    *Climate change*is speeding up the spread of Lyme disease

STAT 	 -‎3 hours ago‎ 	


Nymphs questing through the forest. The phrase conjures up images of a 
scene from “Game of Thrones.” But encountering a real nymph on its quest 
offers a potentially harmful brush with*climate change*. Immature deer 
ticks are called questing nymphs.

    Exxon Is Fighting for Its Right to Deny*Climate Change*

WIRED 	 -‎8 hours ago‎ 	


Does Exxon Mobil have a constitutional right to sow doubt about*climate 
science*? That's the subject of a high-stakes ... Last fall, 
investigations by Inside*Climate*News and the Los Angeles Times revealed 
that the oil giant has decades of internal*...*
Did Exxon Lie About*Global Warming*? 

*Exxon Knew - top documents original sources* 
This page features the top documents that the Climate Investigations 
Center believes lawyers, government officials, journalists, and the 
public must read to understand the unfolding #ExxonKnew investigations 
underway in several states.
There are three basic phases to this story:
What Exxon knew and when they knew it
What Exxon did to block rising concern about climate change
What Exxon would like to hide from investigators now

*Bored on the Fourth of July 
By Tom Lewis <http://www.dailyimpact.net/author/tomlewis/> | July 1, 
2016 <http://www.dailyimpact.net/2016/07/01/bored-on-the-fourth-of-july/>
"...we planned the trip of a lifetime to Florida’s Treasure Coast 
beaches over the 4th.  But when we got there the beaches were covered 
with a green, toxic, smelly curd that some genius compared to 
guacamole.. "  yuky pictures 

              ========================  #### 

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