[TheClimate.Vote] Maintenance notice for list: theClimate.Vote daily "Keeping voters and candidates well informed about global warming"

4 at TheClimate.Vote 4 at TheClimate.Vote
Mon Jul 18 02:13:13 EDT 2016

/       "Keeping voters and candidates well informed about global warming" /

*This is a periodic reminder that you are subscribed to the daily 
mailing list of TheClimate.vote *The aggregation of news headlines and 
links to important stories on global warming and climate change.

You may subscribe or unsubscribe at any time:
*To subscribe or unsubscribe visit the web page* *of:* 

*Or alternatively you may send a request to the email address of: * 
subscribe at TheClimate.Vote Just put the word on the subject line,  either 
"subscribe" or "unsubscribe"

/*Candidates and voters need to be informed on this issue, mass media is 
not sufficient *
-- by forwarding the daily emails to your representatives and candidates 
- you keep governments well-informed about climate change - this 
improves government service. /
--  Forward to friends and colleagues - especially voters of any party.
--  Send to politicians.  DONATE to your political candidate and ask for 
a real email address or direct email to a staffer.   THEY need to be 
informed about this issue, this issue constantly changes and they need 
to get up to speed and stay current.
-- Send this to any government official, teacher, bureaucrat or 
banker.   Everyone needs to know of the increasing flood of news on 
global warming.

As a citizen and constituent, you are encouraged to communicate with 
officials at all levels of government.  This includes forwarding the 
daily emails and enlisting their email address to this mailing list.

*For questions:* contact at theclimate.vote

Thank you for subscribing,

Richard Pauli

/Because//in order to challenge global warming//,  voting is the least 
we can do.

/ The  .VOTE top level domain is designed to help citizen voters, 
elected officials, governments, candidates and organizations exchange 
information.  The .VOTE and .VOTO sites are designed to support honest 
political discourse. This domain must be used for democratic and 
election purposes and cannot be used for commercial purposes.   Regular 
audits ensure compliance.

The mailing list software is Mailman  V. 2.1.20 - served by Pair.com. 
The list email is sent from the domain of credoandscreed.com - please 
set your email filters accordingly.
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